[center][h1] [color=f7976a]Leanne Connor[/color] [/h1][/center] Leanne took the stairs up to the roof, Chris followed her. She opened the door and they went outside. It was a pretty cozy setup up there. Leanne had used it as her private outdoor retreat for some time now. She would also shoot the walkers, with a silencer of course. There was a small patio set up there and she motioned for Chris to sit. She looked out over the town as she spoke. [color=f7976a]"People haven't treated me like a normal person in a long time. At first it was great. I got the star treatment but like everything else it got old and then it just got annoying. I had no idea that I had stalkers even now I still have them. Considering how this world is going that's a tough pill to swallow. It makes my entire adult career/life look shallow and ridiculous." [/color] She looked at Chris and smiled. [color=f7976a]"I want to thank you. You are the first person that treated me like a normal girl who stuck her foot in her mouth."[/color] Leanne chuckled and she looked at Chris and blushed a little bit. [color=f7976a]"I don't know how to ask you this...but can we ...would you pretend to be my boyfriend so that the creeps will leave me alone?" [/color] Leanne heard how bad what she asked sounded and her face showed it. [color=f7976a]"Oh my god! Nevermind what I just asked you. That was stupid. If money were something of use I could ask you to be my bodyguard but since everyone uses it to wipe their asses these days I can't pay you. I must be getting more desperate than I thought I was. Please ignore me. I tend to stick my foot in my mouth more often than I would like. I'm really sorry and so I'm going to leave now while I have a shred of dignity left."[/color] Leanne blushed to her toes in mortification. Leanne got up to leave but stopped. [color=f7976a]"How big was the horde you guys were talking about?"[/color] She pointed at a large group of walkers several hundred of them probably a few miles out of the city. [@josephb][@lpfan][@belle][@aerandir][@Demonic Angel]