I'm here and will post my CS's sometime Name: Mason Alexanderson Age: 16 Gender: Male Abilities/Skills: Mason is very skilled in many forms of hand-to-hand combat and other techniques; Dim Mak and Ninjutsu. Mason is also a very adept hunter and tracker. Inept understanding of spirit abilities, its weaponry, and technology. Powers: Super Hearing, Enhanced Physical Attributes(Strength, Speed, Endurance), Enhanced Sight, Enhanced Sense of smell, Enhanced Healing(depending on the wound, hours to days) Telepathic or Vocal(whatever he chooses) communication with wolves, Enhanced Durability, Can take on the form of a werewolf like his mother once could(Not at will, beyond his control) Weaknesses: Certain frequencies of sound can hurt him badly or knock him out, Silver nulls his powers Equipment: Mason's armor is stab, spike, and bullet proof(somewhat bullet proof). The bracers on his arms along with his pauldrons are made of steel and iron mix with alloyed titanium. His utility belt holds a few nice gadgets; smoke bombs, flash-bangs, grenades, energy throwing knives, an energy bo-staff. a lunar wolf pendant. His mask allows him to see in X-ray, Thermal, and Infared vison fields whenever needed. Energy Claws that come out from the fingertips of his gloves. Personality: Mason is a silent person, you wouldn't even know he was there unless you actually saw him and even then you might question his existence. He is steeled and serious, he will always take a mission seriously and won't hesitate to do whatever it takes to take down an enemy. He also has a very daring nature, no matter how the odds stack against him he'll fight still. He has a very calculating, he analyzes everything he can when facing an enemy, he even gauges his allies' strengths and supposed weaknesses. History: Mason's origin is one he doesn't talk about, his father wasn't the ideal parent, in some ways he was but in others he was not. Wes Alexanderson, the name of his father, he was a very serious hunter, he moved his family to the mountainous forest, making his hunting the only source of income. Mason was often brought along to his father's hunting trips, the results were almost always the same. They'd both indeed come back with sizable hunting spoils but Mason always displayed injuries. Going from bruises and bloody noses to a gash on the corner of his right eye. His [url=http://i.imgur.com/SwFV1Kn.jpg]mother[/url] named Allura was once a hero called Lupa, she hadn't been affiliated with the league or anything of those circumstances so she wasn't known by any heroes. Prior to having Mason she dropped her hero alias and ditched her past life completely. She hadn't used her powers in so long she couldn't even properly defend her son from his father or herself for that matter. She had been just as fearful of her husband as Mason was, as the years progressed the fear concentrated into rage and hate. Allura confronted Wes on Mason's fifteenth birthday, telling him that she was leaving and so was Mason. She was done with the man's verbal, physical, and mental abuse, they had a violent verbal dispute. That very night as she had been packing her things she was halted and put to the ground by a crippling pain in her head. Wes had struck his wife in the head with the butt of his rifle, to his surprise she hadn't been knocked unconscious, just dazed. The next five powerful blows rendered Allura still, Wes hefted the woman up onto his shoulder, keeping a firm hand on his rifle. He drove off with her in the trunk, about half an hour later, Allura was woken up by a hard slap. She was forcibly dragged out of the trunk, what looked like claw marks had dug into the material of the trunk bed. Wes dismissed the sight and assumed it was only her nails, he told her this was the only way she'd be leaving. With that he forced her to the ground, the large and muscular man raised his fist and sent it downward with crippling force. Allura was defenseless as she was pummeled by who she once called her husband, after what seemed like a millennium had only been fifteen minutes of pure abuse Allura had been beaten unrecognizable. Her eyes were swollen shut and traces of bloody tears came from them, her mouth was bloody from losing teeth and her cheeks were swollen from the force of Wes' blows. Her sobs were silenced for good by a gunshot, he had killed her and he even left her uncovered for the wildlife to take the blame. During the following week, Mason was plagued by strange events, the activity of the wolves in the area was heightened, he could hear howls every night. Each time he'd look outside his window during the night there would be a wolf standing there, staring at him. It didn't seem to have any malicious intent so the boy went outside to investigate. As he slowly approached the canine he began to reach out with his right hand, a voice startled him. A voice spoke to him that was so calm and serene, the very depths of hell would be rendered heavenly after hearing such a tone. He spun around quickly in the direction he heard the voice but he saw no one. Though when he heard the voice again it was in front of him, turning to face the one behind the voice he took a step back to see the wolf he was attempting to make contact with in front of his face. The wolf spoke to him, it seemed to talk to him telepathically, it introduced itself as a female called Moira and to follow her closely. With hesitation the boy began to follow, running as fast as he could to keep up with the female, finding it somewhat easy, the two began to maneuver over fallen trees and through the crevices of some. Mason halted and dropped to his knees, his eyes wide in shock, the sight was too much for him. His mother lied on a strange tablet, the rock was crystal-like and smooth, glowing a bright light blue it was an unnatural sight at most. The wounds Allura had were no longer present but she was no longer living. The boy began to sob loudly as he crawled through the lush foliage toward his mother's resting place, lacking the strength to walk on his own two feet. "Do you know who did this to her?" He asked aloud as he viewed Moira, the female gave a nod, she didn't even have to speak a name. Mason had already known who was responsible, his father. He had been informed of his mother's power and had been told he had acquired them through birth but the power he had was dormant. As advised, he placed his still shaking hands on the luminescent rock, in doing that, information seemed to surround him, an light blue wind swirling around him at intense speeds. He was receiving his mother's knowledge, not only that but his powers began to reveal themselves. His muscles began to become more toned and developed as the wind began to envelope him, his eyes briefly changed from their original ash grey to an almost glowing light blue before shifting back. The process was somewhat painful as his body changed in reaction to his new found power. Within the year he was guided and mentored by the wolf known as Moira, as the time passed he learned more and more, once he had been ready, he returned home. The very day before his birthday he came out of the forest, to his surprise his father had been waiting., rifle in hand "I'm back father, haven't you missed me?" He asked him in a serious and questioning manner as he walked toward the man, Wes responded by attempting to strike the boy. He let out a yell of pain as his hand was stopped and slowly crushed by his son, bone slowly cracked and snapped. As his father fell to a knee from sheer pain he delivered a swift kick to the man's head, as he looked up to his son with blurred vision, Mason looked down. He gave a wolfish grin before howling loudly, the wolves howled back in reply to him. Mason began to growl madly as he viciously bombarded his father with savages combinations of punches. He got up slowly, seething slightly from anger, crimson red covered his hands and part of his face. He walked into his home to see it had been unchanged, the wooden floors still had their luster as did the rest of the house. He opened a drawer nearest the sink and pulled out a single candle. He struck a match, the orange flame flickered intensely as it met the candle, it was blown out immediately. Shortly after, screams of both terror and pain could be head coming from outside, they were soon drowned out by snarls, growls, and the sounds of flesh being torn accompanied by the popping and snapping of bones. "Happy birthday to me..." Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/pY5EQwC.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/gLD0G5g.jpg[/img] Height: 5'8 Weight: 148 lbs Other: Don't know ***** Name: Cassius Hale Age: 16 Gender: Male Abilities/Skills: A unique understanding of Arachnid Tech and is intelligent when it comes to that in particular and when it comes to common knowledge. He was able to create his own martial art thanks to his danger sense Powers: Superhuman Strength(Can lift 10 tons) Enhanced Speed(30 mph at sprinting pace) Superhuman durability, Danger Sense, Wall Crawling(He is not only able to stick to surfaces using his hands and feet but his back as well. The strength of the attraction between himself and the surface he is clinging to is considerable, with an upper limit of several tons per finger. If he does not detach willingly but is pulled off by force, the surface usually breaks still attached to his body. He can also run and jump up surfaces) Equilibrium(He can maintain perfect balance on any surface he sticks to, like high wires for example) Superhuman Reflexes, Enhances Agility Weaknesses: Ethyl Cloride weakens and can even kill him Equipment: His suit is made of a material that is both durable and flexible; HOSB threat level four and NIJ vest threat level 2 meaning it's resistant to stab and spike weapons along with armor peircing rounds. His gauntlets are "revolver action" switching to whatever web fluid he chooses(For now he only has his standard webbing) His mask as a number of vision fields(Infared, Night Vision, Thermal, Normal of course) Voice Modulator Personality: Cassius Hale is as quiet as they come, only speaking when the situation requires it and even then he tries to refrain. He hides his emotions, making his social skills nonexistent. Despite this, he is good natured and isn't likely to let anger get the better of him, but he will take down an enemy at any cost no matter what the action does to his reputation. History: Cassius' father was a scientist named Marcus Hale, he was a man obsessed with cracking the code of the meta gene. He began to come to conclusion that abilities like the control of energy or manipulations of shadows was a goal larger than life. He began to view the heroes and villains who received their abilities from animals. Amazed at how powerful the heroes proved to be he quickly got to work on his newest experiment, he had number of subject animals and insects to choose from. He saw promise in using spiders, he took the liberty of "aquiring" the arachnids from a science museum. He began studying the DNA of the spiders, removing the appropriate traits and characteristics to form a DNA strand, multiple to be exact. Eager to test the results of his work but unwilling to test the airborne serum on himself he decided he'd use his wife, Laura Hale. He talked her into beng tested and quickly led her down into the basement that very day. A cylinder shaped pod awaited her, the single door opened and she stepped in. As she did, the door shut behind her and the red colored gas quickly began to fill the room. Laura began to panic as she took a breath in, the gas filled her lungs and began to burn like an intense flame, she begged and pleaded for Marcus to open the doors. He kept telling her to stay in just a little longer, that "little longer" was an hour later and her screams had already gone silent. The scientist came to grips with what he did, he killed his wife but he couldn't just bury her body, he needed to figure out what had gone wrong. He purged the room of the serum and got her out out the chamber, had her lay on an operating table, and began to take blood samples as well as tissue samples. Several weeks passed and to his knowledge he perfected the serum's concentration levels and dosage. He last option to test on was his sixteen year old son, Cassius. Tell the boy that it would be possible for him to get powers was all the incentive he needed to give him. Cassius walked into the chamber, not really being off put by the gas that entered the room, he took steady breaths. Through the course of fifteen minutes, the serum had been absorb into his son's body. After removing him from the room for tests, his body showed no clear signs of rejection. He amazed at how his son's body had retained eveyrthing, he exhibited abilities that he couldn't have forseen. Marcus taught his Cassius everythng he needed to know about the technology he'd be giving him. He failed to keep his greatest failure a secret from his son, Cassius reacted with anger. His father tried to apologize his best, in an attempt to gain power of his own and keep his son under his control, he loaded six cartriges of the concentrated serum and activated the chamber. There was a reason his wife died from high dose, the serum corroded her lungs like a spider's venom would and it did the same to him. Cassius lost everything to gain his powers, he swore that he'd use them right. Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/9t7TIyD.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nNckiul.jpg[/img] Weight: 145 lbs Height: 5'7 Other: Hmm? **** Character Sheet Animal:Wolf Name: Moira(Moy-rah) Alias: Faye, Wolf-Mother Age: Does not age but would look to be an very large adult wolf Gender: Female Skill: Has vast knowledge of ancient lore and texts, photographic memory Powers: Chi-Manipulation(She is able to manipulate her spirit energy in various ways but is limited to the amount of energy she has) Vampirism/Life-Force Absorbtion(Only works on plant-life...dormant trait), Touch of Life(Again, only works on plants...dormant trait), Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Strength, Superhuman Senses, Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Speed, Portal Creation(dormant), Technology Manipulation(Limited to her own technology...dormant) Telepathy Weaknesses: Silver, Magic(but she can combat it very well), Wolf'sbane, Barren and Lifeless environments(Deserts, Frozen Wastelands(Unless the aurora borealis is around) Personality: Moira is called Wolf-Mother by Mason for a reason, she is very motherly toward the boy, caring for him as if he were a wolf. She is a very dangerous, terrifying, and aggressive being when she feels Mason is being threatened in her presence. History: Moira is the incarnation of a forest spirit, she has been watching over the forests of the world for over a millunieum. She made herself known to only one child, Mason, a boy who she saw great potential within. She was the one who guided him during the year he was without a mother. The female wolf being a telepath had taken the memories of Mason's deceased mother, Laura and implanted them into her own mind. This resulted in the two having a strong bond, even within that small year, the two were closer than any parent could be to their child. Getting Mason into the team would give her a sense of security with him. She also has a slight worry that something cataclysmic may occur. Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/UQ9dzZU.jpg[/img]