I apologize in advance if this question's been done before, but I felt it was interesting and wanted to know your answers. If this goes against some unspoken fraternity rule here, then please, PLEASE, find it in your heart not to lynch me. I have a shitload of exams to deal with.

Okay, so there are people here who have range in RPs. And by that I mean; they're not bound to a specific taste and like to try different sorts. To them, I ask, what's one lingering trait or element that's almost always part of your character. Whether it be a character trait, or a type of magical/supernatural ability that you enjoy using, or a favorite weapon. Hair color, appearance, really anything.

For me, it's wisecracking. I'm like the Joss Whedon of the RP world. I can't have a character that's NOT a wisecracker.