Blitz sat next to Camyllia munching on a treat the girl had given her. Though she wanted jerky it'll have to do. Right now they were sitting and leaning against the wall of the building both on edge from the growing groans "Ya think they have a plan? 'Cause if we don' we're screwed," Camyllia says earning a "why ask me?" look from the dog,"Don' give me that look! Yer the only livin' thing close by that seems ta listen to the small ten year old," Camyllia sat leaning back against the wall,"Though I think Ethan would listen but I doubt anyone would bkther wit' it though," Camyllia said. Playing with her machete," What we need ta do is get the hell outta 'ere an' head east then north cause the colder the weather the slower the walker," She says pointing her machete up indicating north,"but these two twins 're just bad...evil maybe I don' know," She whispers,"I need ta find their kid sister...maybe when they go on that run I can talk to 'er." She says getting up Blitz getting up with her and walking by her side as they made their way into the building