"Elves, huh? Welcome aboard, in any case." Penny nodded as Al volunteered to go scouting. "Good idea. I've got plenty of intel on the vamps themselves, but not much on the hideout. Nosferatu strain. Just be warned, their hearing is far better than the average human. They're mildly telekinetic, too. Not enough to throw a human around like a rag doll, but they can put you in a psychic stranglehold. If you get caught, run for sunlight, but it will only slow them down. It will [i]not[/i] ash them."

Penny then turned to the others. "There's a reason all that folklore about silver hurting werewolves and garlic killing vampires survived, folks. It works. Now, I don't use holy water myself. Interferes with my magic too much. But I've got a nice stock of everything else, along with a couple old pistols and swords. Pick and choose, everybody." For herself, Penny selected a .38 caliber pistol. No silver bullets, but regular old lead would ruin the bats' day pretty effectively too. "We move out as soon as he gets back."