Stealing the CS from the old one. No she isn't coming back, but you can feel free to use this one if you want something smarter. [color=hotpink][b]Callsign:[/b][/color] Deimos [color=hotpink][b]Real Name:[/b][/color] Nenatalev Kabal [center][hider=Nenatalev 'Deimos' Kabal][img][/img][/hider][/center] [color=hotpink][b]Role:[/b][/color] [color=red][b]Blitzer[/b][/color] [color=hotpink][b]Stats:[/b][/color] [b][color=00ff00]15[/color] / [color=00ccff]5[/color] / [color=ff0000]13[/color][/b] [color=hotpink][b]Energy:[/b][/color] [color=ffff00]10[/color] [color=hotpink][b]Level:[/b][/color] 5 [indent][i][color=pink]XP:[/color][/i] 255 / 300 [i][color=pink]Skill Points:[/color][/i] 0[/indent] [color=hotpink][b]Power Origin:[/b][/color] [color=39b54a][b]Bio[/b][/color] [color=hotpink][b]Power Set:[/b][/color] Martial Art Syngery Madness. [url=]Bitch.[/url] [color=lightgray](Yay for Buffy references!)[/color] [color=hotpink][b]Abilities:[/b][/color][list][*][b][color=pink][i]Kai Lao[/i][/color][/b] - [color=yellow]Energy Cost: 2[/color] [sup]Deimos attacks her target for twice her [color=ff0000]Attack[/color] and gains the [i][b]Awakened[/b][/i] status effect for two turns. [i][b]Awakened[/b][/i] grants no bonuses, but does unlock them for other abilities.[/sup][*][b][color=pink][i]Yamazuki[/i][/color][/b] - [color=yellow]Energy Cost: 4[/color] [sup]Deimos delivers two rapid punches to her target with her standard [color=ff0000]Attack[/color]. The first punch inflicts the [i][b]Exposed[/b][/i] status effect, weakening the target's armour by her [color=ff0000]Attack[/color] rating, which the second attack may then take advantage of. If Deimos is currently [i]Awakened[/i] the second punch inflicts the [i][b]Unstable[/b][/i] status effect on the target, reducing both their [color=ff0000]Attack[/color] and [color=00ccff]Defence[/color] by 10% (rounded up.)[/sup] [*][b][color=pink][i]Kuchiki Daoshi[/i][/color][/b] - [color=yellow]Energy Cost: 2[/color], target must be [i]Unstable[/i] [sup]Deimos takes advantage of her target's weakened state, removing the [i]Unstable[/i] status effect before delivering a standard [color=ff0000]Attack[/color], leaving her opponent [i][b]Stunned[/b][/i] and unable to act in their next turn.[/sup] [*][b][color=pink][i]Prototype Projectile System[/i][/color][/b] - [color=yellow]Energy Cost: 4[/color] [sup]Field tested to perfection - IE; once - Deimos can now throw people perfectly, and add their [color=00ccff]Defence[/color] to the damage the enemy receives if hit. She is not held accountable for any trauma, troubles, broken bones, whiplash, falling into unknown dimensions, attacks by flying sharks or any other effects that may occur to her 'ammunition' while using the [i]Prototype Projectile System[/i]. If Deimos is currently [i]Awakened[/i] she may choose to make the projectile become [i][b]Aimed[/b][/i], gaining an additional [color=ff0000]+5 Attack[/color] to the strike above and beyond any other benefits, but exhausting the [i]Awakened[/i] status in the process.[/sup][/list][color=hotpink][b]Traits:[/b][/color][list][*][b][color=pink][i]Martial Prowess[/i][/color][/b] [sup]Deimos is a master of combining her attacks for maximum effect and may trigger upto two different abilities on the same turn.[/sup] [*][color=pink][i][b]Heightened Chi Control[/b][/i][/color] [sup]After the possession of the Queen, Deimos is more in touch with her Chi. Increasing her [color=ffff00]Energy[/color] regen by +1, and allowing her to expend [color=ffff00]2 Energy[/color] to negate any vision-based debuffs.[/sup] [*][color=pink][i][b]Martial Control[/b][/i][/color] [sup]Deimos' control over her own abilities increases. If she was to knock out any target, then any skill used after the knocking out is canceled, and the [color=ffff00]Energy[/color] refunded.[/sup][/list] [color=hotpink][b]Race/Species:[/b][/color] British, Demi-human/Child of the Black Cup [color=hotpink][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=hotpink][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] Homosexual [color=hotpink][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20