Sena put her katanas back into her holders for a moment, seeing Gippal stuck to the shaking head of the fiend. She tossed out both her hands in front of her, where an ice crystal, laden with darkness swirling around it, formed and shot out, impaling the beast. It froze for a moment, giving pause to allow Gippal to pull himself free. Ice crawled up the sides of the fiends body. Not waiting for confirmation to see if Gippal was safe, Sena took advantage of the beasts momentary pause. She swam, drawing her katanas again, slashing at the sides of the fiends body, slicing off several of the largest tentacles. Up above on the ship the tentacles froze for a moment as well, and fell onto the boat when she sliced them off. She fell back, the ice wearing off its effects. Damage was dealt to the fiend, and though its appendages were fewer and the beast a tad weaker, it was still kicking.