[h1] Finding Flint [/h1] Emiliah, Flint and Liz and Coraline Flint had been making his way through the tunnels for a while now..."Are you sure you know where you are going Mishka?!" He growled as it seemed they were not getting anywhere closer to Fenros. He looked around to see she wasn't there. "Mishka?" He asked as he wondered where she went off too. Elizabeth reached down to comfort the crying giant, but as she reached she was whisked away to a new room. Her hand hit the ground, and she swore. "Not again, please no more dead children." She moaned, allowing her head to fall so her forehead was resting on the cool ground. She didn't have the energy to look up and move around. So much had happened on this journey, it all felt pointless. It was supposed to be a simple trip, and now they were all locked in a weird game. With a whimper, she collapsed on her side, not caring about the throbbing pain she felt when she put weight on her shoulder. "Dead children?" asked Emiliah, whipping around to see Liz in the same room as her. Emiliah's voice still ached from the hold that had been on her neck not a moment ago. "Where are there dead children?" Emiliah looked around the room. They were in a large, rectangular hallway with archways that lead to other rooms. Weak sunlight was coming through. "Damn, it is morning already?" asked Emiliah in alarm. Coraline suddenly bursted through one of the walls with the Bone Taker in her grip. She bellowed a war cry and slammed the abomination of bones and flesh into the opposite wall, crushing the rib cage that made up a part of its amalgamous abdomen. With a distinct metal ring, Coraline drew the longsword that was kept at her back. With one downward slice, she lopped off a bony arm that nearly doubled the length of the creature itself. The Bone Taker let out a muffled squelch of a cry before Coraline jabbed the longsword through the decapitated head of a priest. Bones shifted across the Bone Taker's body to form another clawed arm. It reached out and scraped across Coraline's light plate armor. The knight grabbed the arm by the wrist and simply yanked it off. "Just. Fucking. Die!" Coraline yelled and kicked the real head of the undead creature in. The demon-like skull collapsed and the creature, seemingly held together by magic, fell apart. Bones rolled in every direction. Coraline was breathing heavily. She took a moment to collect herself before grabbing her other longsword from the breach in the wall. She noticed the others only after retrieving her favored blade. "You're hunters, yes?" Flint suddenly heard fighting further down the hall. He raced forward about fifty meters before coming to a large rectangular hallway with multiple arches. He noticed that Elizabeth and Emiliah were there, and Coraline had just smashed the Bone Takers head in with her foot. She turned to the others as he was behind them all and asked if they were hunters. "Yes they are!" He said as he unnocked his arrow and placed it back into the quiver He jogged over to Coraline and paused for a moment. "I was looking all over for you." He then noticed how banged up both Liz and Emiliah were and ran over "Are you both OK? What happened to you?!" Despite Emiliah looking pretty banged up, he had fallen to his knee next to Elizabeth. He hesitently touched her back as she was still bent over. "Liz...are you alright?" Looking back to Emiliah. "Both of you are alright?" He then waited for their answer before Looking to Coraline. "These are the ones from the group we were tracking. Emiliah and Liz...This is Coraline, she is a fellow hunter and came to help." Elizabeth rubbed her temples, too many things were happening all at once. There was shouting, and so many questions she had to answer. A girl named Coraline had barged in, fighting something Liz hadn't taken the time to look at. The only thing that soothed her was that Emiliah was there, she knew that if she tried to die Emiliah would smack her or do something that would put her back in line. She sat up and looked at the lines of light coming through from somewhere. She was glad they were still above ground, but all this traveling was confusing her. They could be in a different part of the world, for all they knew. Turning her attention to Flint, she smiled wryly and gave him a slight nod. "Fine, thanks. I just had a bit of a complication." She muttered, before turning back to Emiliah. "Mat...he killed a little girl. Andri touched my breast, twice. He says he has an ear worm. It confuses me too, so don't ask." Emiliah didn't have the energy to even try and fight...whatever it was that woman brought in. She was beyond exhausted and everything hurt. And frankly, if she had to face ANOTHER monster, she'd be sorely tempted to just...lay on the floor and give up. Not that she would, she was just VERY tempted to do so. "Mat did what? I mean, he was in a pretty bad way when I last saw him. But he killed a little girl? Was it an evil little girl?" she asked, not even wanting to touch the Andri thing. Then she heard Flint's voice. She had never heard anything so wonderful or up lifting. "Oh thank god," she said, looking at him. She usually didn't feel that way when a man came to save her. But when it was a man who was one of two people she thought could kill the demon, well... "When did you get her, Flint? You didn't come with us," It was only then that she noticed the woman behind Flint Coraline...or whatever. "Flint! She is a witch!" Shout Emiliah, finding the engery after all to stand. She swayed a little bit on her feet, pointing her new spear at Coraline. Flint quickly stood up as she pointed the spear at Coraline. He gripped the spear and also held her hip gently as to steady her, from falling. Getting close to her, smelling her sweat and lavender mixed with it. "Emiliah...calm down, she came to help us. I came with her only just after you guys left." He gave a comforting smile to her as he gently lowered her spear tip to the ground. He smiled more as he looked back to Coraline. "Juuuuust one second." He then wrapped his arm around Emiliah's waist and held her really close to his body while pushing her gently towards one of the entrences. Once they were out of ear shot he said into her ear, looking as if he was calming her down. "Emiliah... you have to wait for the right opportunity to strike Coraline, She is indeed a witch but she thinks she managed to convince me that she is a hunter. She needs something from down here so she wont attack us. But we will strike first. " He then turned her slightly so he was looking into her eyes, "Do you trust me?" It took all of Emiliah's will power to stop herself from yanking out of Flint's arms and attacking the witch. But she allowed him to move her out of earshot. When he was done tell her what he thought, she let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god, I really thought you didn't know. Okay. I trust you. Just give me a signal of when I should attack. Maybe.... a word...Um...Cave? Yeah Cave," Then she straited up and walked back over to the group. "Well...Coraline...if Flint is willing to vouch for you... then I suppose you are okay," Coraline let out a sigh of relief when Flint and Emiliah had come back peacefully. She smiled to the two of them and nodded, "Don't let the witch marks be the only thing you judge me by." The knight looked over to Elizabeth and went to go and kneel in front of her. "Where are you hurt?" she asked as she unslung her pack and opened it. There was mostly camping supplies in it, but no smart adventurer would leave without a kit of first aid supplies. She pulled a small bag out and set it down between them. In the bag were sutures and needles and a roll of bandages. She also had a small vial of healing mixture, made from a recipe her mother had taught her. Coraline handed the vial to her, "Drink up. It's flavored so you wont cringe." she offered a smile to her. Elizabeth recoiled as Coraline went to kneel beside her, she covered her wounds with her hands, but quickly removed them as she was offered a vial. If Coraline was truly on her side, and the vial contained a healing salve, then she needed to accept. A part of Elizabeth warned strongly against her taking the vial, but she slowly reached out and took it. "Thank you, Coraline." She said, before uncorking the vial and taking a swig of the liquid inside. She waited a few seconds, but since she felt no ill effects taking over, she took another swig, drinking the bottle until it was all gone. Slowly she unwrapped the cloth that was over her wounds, the dried blood making it hard to peel off. As she unwrapped it, she noticed the crest on Coraline's breastplate, her eyes brightening and the corners of her lips twisting up into a smile. "Ah, you are a knight, it's uncommon to see female knights. Congratulations on your knighthood." Flint nodded to Emiliah as she agreed and made their signal. Fairly easy to say while they were in these tunnels. He walked back next to Emiliah as he noticed Coraline helping Elizabeth. He looked to Elizabeth and knelt down next to her, finishing unwrapping her bandages before pulling out a bottle of water and splashing some over it before Coraline would start help bandaging her. He would then say, "We shouldn't stay here long, I don't have a good feeling about this place...too many places enterences for us to be surrounded, also, I've been walking in circles around here. Perhaps if we split up we can figure a way out of here?" He looked around at all of them and thinking for a moment. "We will all head down this path here, Ill cover the rear while Coraline takes point. Best if we stuck together." "Fine," She said, standing up, holding her spear in her hand. Emiliah wasn't sure what Flint was playing at, but she said that she would trust. And besides, they really did need to find their way out. Or to the demon. Witch or no witch. Coraline looked to the rest of them and agreed, "Very well. Flint," she looked directly to him, "Watch the rear. Elizabeth, you stay behind Emiliah. Emiliah, follow up behind me." So what you will, but Coraline had an inspiring presence to her. It was clear that her title as a knight wasn't just for show, she had experience. Coraline kept her longsword in hand and looked down one of the corridors. She as about to procede, but something caught her mind. Coraline looked back to the three of them, "I know I'm not exactly the easiest person to trust. But if I were your enemy, I wouldn't be caught up in this mess with you. I'm here to kill a necromancer. Think what you will about me, I'm not here to kill hunters." Coraline looked to Elizabeth and smiled to her again. She always had a drive to help others, and she was glad that she at least got to do that in this magical disaster. Her eyes then passed to Emiliah, she gave her a trusting nod. The red headed knight then looked to Flint, "I'm glad that we have a Digard here. Do your family proud." Coraline pressed on down the tunnel. She could feel the stabbing eyes of her new acquaintances. Nothing new for her. Elizabeth lifted herself up and got into the line order. She knew the room was tense, as it should be in this situation, but she knew it was more of a tension involving the people she was with then what they would be facing. Elizabeth sighed, and clutched her whip tightly, she glanced behind her and smiled lightly at Flint. "What happened to you?" She asked thoughtfully, facing forward to watch the rest of the group but still keeping an ear out in case he answered. Flint smiled at Coraline's last comment, "Don't worry, Ill protect you all." He said with a bit of bravado and soothing words, clearly joking in his charming way. He knew they could all take care of themselves. When Elizabeth asked what happened to him he cleared his throat. "Well..." Flint answered softly so only she could hear. "I went looking for a yew branch I could use for a new bow.... this one is fine and all but I need something that can handle my strength." He then paused for a moment. Moving slightly closer to her as he turned sideways, watching where they came from incase. He then whispered into her ear, his words as smooth as honey. "I've also thought about us... I....I can't let us end like that. So when I heard you went on this hunt, I followed after to find you, I told you people can change. And Here I am." As they walked deeper into the tunnel, A large snake slowly lowered itself from the roof just above Coraline. In an instant, his bow was nocked, drawn back and fired, Sending the snake flying as the arrow pierced the head and stuck it to the stone wall ahead of them. With a door just below it. That was wooden and had metal renforcements on it. Elizabeth had been waiting for Flint's response, but when she got it she was far from ready. He had stepped in closer to her, and began whispering sweetly in her ear. His breath tickled her ear, but his words made a pleasurable chill run all the way down her spine and back up again. Elizabeth giggled giddily, and was about to respond when a large snake hung down in the path in front of them. She had just started unfolding her whip when Flint's arrow took it out, and she smiled, turning back to him. "Good shot, Flint." She said, gesturing towards his handiwork. When they started to walk again, Elizabeth glanced back to Flint and pressed her lips together. She made sure to lace her voice with sweetness, and whispered so only he could hear. "Flint, thank you for coming all the way out here to see me, that's very...charming of you." She considered her next words very carefully, afraid of putting off the wrong vibes and shutting him down. "As for you changing, why would someone like you have to change? You're only a few steps off from perfect." Coraline blinked. She didn't even register the snake by the time it was pinned to the wall down the hallway. She looked back at Flint, "Nice shot." she chuckled, "Keep that up and we'll have these tunnels cleared in no time." Snake...that was another thing that Emiliah was ready to just lay down and die for. Every step she took was even harder than the last. Perhaps it was because adrenaline had been the only thing keeping her going before, and now that she was feeling a little safer with Liz and Flint about, her body felt that she didn't need it anymore. Flint had only nodded to them as they praised his shot, it was only ten feet away... wait till they see his longer shots. Liz's next words were confusing, telling him not to change, but he wasn't perfect as he was. He raised an eyebrow as they continued to walk, Whispering again. "Liz...I'm telling you I love you." He then switched gears and then said, "I need you to watch Emiliah. She cant be trusted with a witch around...She almost killed my brother when she found out what we are. I don't trust her enough to not stab Coraline in the back...she is not in the best of mind sets right now. Can I trust you with that?" Elizabeth tensed as he told her that he loved her, but her muddled thoughts were quickly bombarded as he told her about Emiliah. Her head snapped up, and she smiled happily at her...friend? She had no clue what they were, but she considered Emiliah to be a friendly mentor. When he tasked her with keeping Emiliah in place, she was quite surprised. "You want the drunk to keep her in place? Well, if you think I'm the best for the job, then of course I will." Her thoughts wandered back to him saying he loved her. Her heart danced merrily in her chest, and the warmth she had felt before returned. "You understand what you said, right Flint?" Flint quickly added as he moved very close to her. "You are not drunk now..." He stated a matter of factly. Then moving forward he added with a smile. "I know what I said. I was trying to say it back before after I punched out Emiliano. And I'm saying it again. Excuse me." He said as he moved forward to Coraline, needing to speak to her as they came to the door, which seemed stuck. Elizabeth had to keep herself from dancing like a happy fool when Flint came up behind her so close she could feel his chest against her back as he breathed. He told her how he had wanted to tell her he loved her in the woods, and then he left. He simply said it, and left. She frowned and reached out to grasp his arm, but he was already gone. With a grumble, she moved forwards and went to stand beside Flint. "You can't just tell a girl that and then leave. It's not funny, especially if you are doing it on purpose." She faced forward, looking curiously at the door. Emiliah, suddenly stopped, turning quickly around to face Flint, as though she just remembered something terribly important. "Flint," she said, inrupting Liz without much care. "It...It is a demon lord. Some horrible, twisted, messed up demon lord. And...and it is playing with us," She said, Emiliah wasn't sure why she didn't open with that. "But, you have to kill it Flint. Any moment he could decided that he wants us to be somewhere else...anywhere else. But you have to find it...and kill it," She paused for a second. "You....do know how to do that....right? That isn't JUST a Fenros thing, is it?" Flint stopped suddenly at Emiliah turning to him, she then started to explain that it was a Demon lord. He was surprised, as his eyes widened. He blinked a few times and nodded, "Yeah, I think I can, I mean, I never really fought one before, But I think i can do it." He said as he looked back to Liz, who seemed down. He gave a slight frown as if to say sorry. "Are you sure it's a demon Lord?" "Very sure," said Emiliah. "It was just like the night when we fought the demon, do you remember how it just had a ...dark energy around it. Well, tonight I felt the same thing," she said, rubbing her head with her free had, using her spear to keep her upright more and more. Elizabeth was deep in thought the entire time Flint and Emiliah bantered. She wanted to cut in and add things, but every time she tried she just shut her mouth again and listened. It was a Demon Lord, Flint could take care of it...maybe. The demon lord was playing games with them, Emiliah knew because she had experienced it? That was unclear, but she figured that was the case. A thought popped into her head, she thought about how she would phrase a question around it but keep it vague. "Demon Lords? You two obviously know more about them then me, so I have a question. Can they inhabit animals?" She asked, looking down and fidgeting with her fingertips. Elizabeth's thoughts started to connect more and more, and she tuned them out as she tried to make things clear. [i]Demon, playing games. Mat, stabbing a little girl.[/i] she bit her lip, was that just another game? Why would two little girls be in the middle of a mostly empty room, if it wasn't a part of a demon's game? She pushed that thought aside for now, figuring she had solved it. [i]Andri, touching me...talking worms in Andri's ear. No no no...oh Andri.[/i] Elizabeth's lip quivered, was the demon inside of Andri? How would they remove it? She felt guilty about leaving Andri now, all alone. She knew that she couldn't control it, but she felt like she should have done something. "Mat, Andri. Gah!" Elizabeth yelped, clutching her head and shaking it. Coraline had kept to herself while they all spoke to one another. She didn't know them as well and had no connection aside from riding with Flint to this cursed place. Once they reached the door, Coraline looked back to the rest of the hunters, "If we are dealing with a demon lord, perhaps it'd be best if I were to deal the killing blow." she paused and looked to the two women, "Your assumptions about me are right. I have witchblood in my veins. And I was taught a fair deal by my mother. I can perform the ritual to banish the lord." Coraline slid her longsword into the scabbard at her waist and drew the other one that was secured to her back. This sword was [url=http://api.ning.com/files/mvqHMMWdA4dMY7LfcSgDMsCAZ*FTGKp0O7xVCxkrJiFFaK3YgXxCAC*Xf7BzOOb0iDZ-Ryb8ZS9VHpV0gOvtr8*C0nh4n-h6/downsized_0811011549.jpg]far more ornate[/url] than the one she seemingly favored to use. There were etchings at the base of the blade that read 'Arcadia'. The grip was silver, and the heavy pommel was stylized with a prominent sapphire gemstone. "This was my father's sword. He gave it to me as a reward for my knighting. Hunters from Arcadia hire witches to enchant their blades so they can banish unholy creatures." Her eyes looked past them to the distant pile of bones that were once part of the bone taker. "It wont defeat the demon lord," she paused, "But it will certainly make it easier." Flint looked at Emiliah as she explained how she knew by the feeling of the Demon lord she fought. He nodded, "I remember the feeling." He said as he looked to Elizabeth. who asked about Demon's inhabiting animals. He shook his head, "Some can take shape of animals, such as the Demon Lord werewolf Varoth, but Demon lords would find it below them to possess animals of any kind. They only possess Humans." She then looked as if she was having an internal battle of her own. He looked to Coraline as she added that she should take the killing blow . Flint raised an eyebrow at her mentioning she could banish a Demon Lord through her mothers bloodline of witches. He felt uneasy about that, For one he only knew of banishing Demon lords through the priesthood. "I can do it." he said simply. "Honestly i would rather we use the priesthood over some witches ritual, less dangerous that way." Coraline raised a brow and turned to face him. "You still don't trust me, do you?" She sighed and shook her head, "Do what you will. Banishings are always dangerous. And since none of you know me and seemingly can't get over my heritage, then you lose nothing if it all goes wrong." Flint took this opportunity to walk directly towards Coraline and placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her about and walking closer to the door so they could speak privately. "Coraline...I trust you, I was saying I don't trust the ritual, there is often a sacrifice that is always a big price to pay." He smiled at her with his most charming smile. "I would rather not lose you to something that can be easily avoided." Coraline was silent for a moment and eventually shook her head again, "All I'll need is some time, protection, and some of my own blood." Coraline thought on it, "But if you feel so strongly against it, you are welcome to assist me with your own rituals." Flint glance back at Elizabeth as she seemed to still be freaking out mentally. "All I need to do is chant an excorsism. Holy Oil and silver does the trick as well. " He then drew close to Coraline and whispered. "It took me a moment... but I figured out where the Demon Lord is now. He is with us right now." He looked Coraline in the eyes. "Just look at Elizabeth...she is having an issue with her head. And when I spoke with her, she didn't know of some things that happened only today...And I mean some major things. that happened between us today " The knight glanced over to Elizabeth and then back to Flint. "I wont strike unless I know for certain. Test her. Give her your silver." Coraline took a breath, "But don't expect me to attack somebody based off of words alone." Emiliah watched as Flint lead Coraline away for a moment. Probably to talk to her about not doing something stupid. But there was something else that was bothering her. "....Liz....maybe I am just tired, but....Flint...wasn't there when we fought the Demon wolf," She shook her head. "It just seems odd that he'd agree with me...I misspoke," She shook her head. "So...how do you feel about Coraline? I know Flint doesn't trust her, but for him to let her hang around so long is kinda of odd, know what I mean?" Elizabeth shook, she had to keep her thoughts in her head, she had to know what had happened. She nodded at what Emiliah said, but kept her head in her hand. "I'm sorry Emiliah, I can't right now. I know things. I think I know, but I can't tell you because...I just can't!" Elizabeth sniffled, pulling the tears she felt back into her eyes. Flint pulled back and nodded, "Of course... I have to be extra sure myself...but I was letting you know I have a gut feeling about it." He reached into his coin pouch and pulled out a silver coin, he then tested it on his exposed skin on his arm, to make sure it was pure. Sure enough his skin started to burn at the touch of it. He didn't even flinch as he moved away and casually back to the other two. Coraline stayed put. Whoever this demon lord was, she didn't want to be near it when it revealed itself. She kept Arcadia in her hand and gripped it tightly. Her eyes scanned across the party, "Elizabeth, Flint wants you to carry his silver for him in case things go wrong." she looked to Flint and watched him as he stepped forward. Flint looked back to Coraline with a very confused look. Almost trying to say, [i]'why the hell would you say that?' [/i] One sure way for Liz, who could be the demonlord, would obviously know what is up. He looked to Emiliah and simply said "In case I lose it in the [i]cave.[/i]" Emiliah didn't even wait for Liz to answer before turning her spear on Coraline and attacking. She went straight for the gut, only vear slighty left at the last second, hoping to take out a kindey if nothing else. Coraline didn't have enough time to defend herself from Emiliah's sudden strike. The spear drove into her plate armor and past the chainmail tunic underneath. The speartip managed to pierce into her flesh but the layers of steel had softened the attack. It was a flesh wound for sure, but not one that would take Coraline out of the job. Coraline dropped to one knee, the spear still embedded in her armor. She sucked in a breath and let it out as she spoke, "And here I hoped the hunters of Seren's Folly would be different." Coraline gritted her teeth and grabbed the shaft of the spear. "People claim that witches are evil and that hunters are good. But this display only goes to show they're simply two sides of the same coin." Using Arcadia as a cane to get her on her feet, she pulled the spear from her armor. The tip of the weapon was bloodied, as was the armor around the wound. "For shame, huntress." Coraline took Arcadia into both hands, "I will defend myself. Strike again if you dare." Everything had happened, all of it going by so fast. They had asked her to carry silver, she hadn't responded because her head was still in her hands. Suddenly, Emiliah had launched onto Coraline and attacked her. Elizabeth's eyes widened, she was the one that was supposed to take care of her, and keep Coraline safe. Elizabeth watched as Coraline pulled a spear out of her armor, blood covering the wound. Elizabeth thought about what Coraline had done for her, how she had been nothing but good to the party since Elizabeth first layed eyes on her. She thought of Flint's heritage, how Emiliah said she had understood. It made her feel angry, so with a grunt, she pivoted and took up a place besides Coraline, her stance defensive. "I'm with Coraline, you can't do this to yourself. The things I've seen today, the things you two have seen, and yet we're still attacking each other? You two can continue you're fighting, but I stand with her. Witch or no, she isn't the one we're fighting." Elizabeth held the dart of her whip, aiming it for Emiliah. She was ready to launch the dart towards Emiliah's head, and if it struck true it could cause anything from a massive headache...to, well she didn't want to think of it. She leaned carefully to Coraline, and whispered in her ear. "I don't know the whole truth, but I believe I know something. I'll tell you, if you make it out of this alive. They're both experienced, if Flint joins the attack, we may lose." "Liz," said Emiliah, closer to a bark. "Get away from her now. I don't have time to deal with...whatever you are on...trying to defend a witch and all. But Flint mistrusted her from the start, I assumed he told you. Now...come back over here. Don't be swept up by her charm speak," Emiliah lowered her stance, ready to spring again at a moments notice. Coraline gave an appreciative nod to Elizabeth as she sided with her. Her wound stung fiercely but it didn't distract her from the situation at hand. She eyed the tip of the spear carefully and spoke, "There is no charm in what I do, only virtue. Elizabeth was smart enough to see it." Coraline clenched her teeth as her wound stung again, she wished there was still some of the healing potion left. "Flint tells me he trusts me. So if he is telling you otherwise, then we are clearly being used." her eyes turn to the Digard, "You want us to tear each other part, is that it?" While the girls started fighting and getting confused. Flint only smiled and took a few steps back, nocking his arrow. He smiled even more as Coraline finally figured it out. "Actually-" A sudden whistle of an arrow could be heard and Flint was cut short as a bloody tipped arrow slammed through his temple, causing him to crumple to the ground, the wound hissing as the silver burned his flesh. When the girls would look farther back, at the end of the tunnel about 70 yards where they had all met, they could see A dark figure standing there as he lowered his bow, a wolf standing next to him. After a moment he started to jog closer to them and as he drew near, it was clear that it was Flint and Mishka running to them. Once close enough he asked, "Are you all alright?" he looked down at his fake self which had not moved since beeing shot in the head. Elizabeth's heart pounded as the fake Flint crumpled, and the real Flint-at least she hoped it was the real one-jogged towards them. He asked them if they were all right, and Elizabeth smiled with a rush of relief. The corners of her lips turned downwards however, when she realized everything the fake Flint had said was...well, fake. She debated over whether it was a good thing, or a bad thing, and decided she would figure it out later next to a bottle of rum. Elizabeth nodded to Flint, smiling down at Mishka. "Yeah, I think we're all fine. I'm glad you decided to show up." She laughed, and turned towards Coraline. "Seeing as we survived, I'll tell you what I know. Not everything, because some parts aren't mine to tell." She thought momentarily of Andri, and Mat, and what they were all up to. "I trust you." "Well, I don't," said Emiliah, although she kept her spear on the dead Flint body, as if expecting it to come back to life at any moment. "I can't believe I let that thing...touch me. No amount of baths will ever get that off," She then turned around to Flint, looking him up and down. "And....how do we know that you aren't a fake too?" She said, itching a spot on her arm. Suddenly the deadflint twiched and lept to his feet, yanking Emiliah back into his arms, holding her tight. "Well, isn't this something," said Deadflint. "You hear of people wearing the same thing to a party, but [i]this[/i] is a bit over-kill, don't you think?" He said to Flint, moitioning to himself and back to LiveFlint. He yanked Emiliah closer, taking her struggling blows the way a giant took an ant's. He failed to notice. Instead, he put his head closer to her and made a show of smelling her hair. "Sooo sweet, and just a hint of spice. Such a shame how she ends, don't you think Flint? I know you know. Perhaps I should sample her now before her sand runs out," Coraline had a feeling something was off when Flint's wolf wasn't around. She knelt down on one knee again and took a moment to collect herself. She was looking at the floor until she heard Flint's copy speak. Looking up, Coraline saw that the doppelganger had taken Emiliah. She pushed herself to her feet and advanced on the fake. If her plate and chainmail didn't announce her advance, then she'd get close enough to try and kick the doppelganger's head and release Emiliah. Instead of moving to protect himself from Coralines kick, the moment she made contant, Emiliah and Dead!Flint simply dissolved into smoke, appearing behind them. "Well, dear, that was quite rude of you," he said. "Do it again and I'll send you away. Can't you see that the men are talking?" He shook his head, arrow and all, before turning back to Flint. "Did that old witch give you a time or just the way?" Flint had taken a step back when he mentioned how Emiliah would end. He didn't say exactly, but that old witch back in the cave a few days ago popped into his memories. He reached into his back pouch, hidden under his cloak, and gripped a vial of holy oil. He didn't know what to say at first, but then Coraline tried to kick him in the head, as he vanished and reappeared, Well it definatly wasn't a shape shifter....it was a demon. He then said, trying to sound confident, as those 'prophicy's' that the witch had told him about his and Emiliah's death. Came back in full force. desptie him not believing it, there was still that nagging sensation of doubt. He began to speak in Hebrew. "בשם אב אני קורא לו עם הבן שלו ישו להשתמש הכהונה הקדושה אשר ניתנה לי. כדי לגרש להביס את כוחות הרשע.-" As he spoke, he shifted to the torch next to him, waiting for the exact moment for Emiliah to break free so he could throw the oil over the demon and light the fucker. Deadflint eyed Liveflint with an amused look in his eyes. "Well, it looks like he doesn't want to share. And here I was going to offer him a way to change your fate, well. Perhaps a parting gift will do," he said, mocking them both before turning Emiliah around. He gave the girl one final look before kissing her. The kiss seemed normal at first, Emiliah was so shocked by it that she just...hung there for a second. Then the smoke came. Think and black, more like tar than anything. It came spilling from Deadflints nose and mouth and into Emiliah's. It was then that she started fighting him, pounding on his chest, but it wasn't until he decided to let her go that she was able to escape. Coughing and gasping for breath. "You should think about it Flint. Also, I'm ready now, hit me with your best shot," Coraline pressed her free hand against the breach in her armor and felt the slippery blood around the edges. She thought on it for a moment before deciding that it was an appropriate time. It was the fake Flint that feared for Coraline's rituals. While the fake was focused on Flint and Emiliah, Coraline wiped the blood on her hand across the edge of Arcadia and then along the bloodied breach. She took a deep breath and mumbled something that could only be heard if one was standing right next to her. As long as the demon was focused on Flint, she would have the time needed to complete the witchcraft and imbue her blade. If she were a real witch, this process would be nearly instant, but she wasn't. And she was extremely vulnerable during the channeling as her blood ran darker and darker. Every so often, the engravings on the sword's blade would glow low with a red hue. Soon after that, the blade in its entirety. Even further after the blade, her eyes would begin to glow red. It was all a very quiet affair, anybody looking her way would see her performing a ritual of the Arcadian Witch Coven. Flint narrowed his eyes at the demon as he let Emiliah go, as he challenged him to hit him with his best shot. Throwing the oil vial, directly at fakeflint's upper chest, the small glass broke over him. With out missing a second Flint grabbed a torch on the wall and threw it as well onto Fake Flint. Trying to say the words again as he said before. He did notice coraline doing something, though he didn't like the idea of a witches ritual, he was up for anything at the moment if this didnt work. Elizabeth growled under her breath as she saw Emiliah getting manhandled by the demon Flint. It felt good seeing a vial of holy oil tossed at the demon. She was tensed, but if she rushed for him he would simply vanish, or send her off to a different room. She glanced to Coraline, who had rushed the demon, and held her breath when she noticed the half witch performing a spell. Elizabeth gulped, but she had to trust Coraline, so fighting the nerves in her stomach she stepped in front of Coraline. Her hope was that she blocked the demons view, all the while keeping the attention off of them and on Flint. Emilah couldn't breath. The black smoke turned into gunk in her mouth. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't get it out of her mouth. In desperation, she finally tried to swollow it. That...worked. The gunk burned for a moment, then...nothing. She felt...fine. It was only after that was she able to sit up and see the fight starting to unfold in front of her. Coraline seemed to be enchanting her weapon and Flint was attacking the creature with holy oil and chants. Whatever Flint was doing, it seemed to be working, DeadFlint had erupted in flames. His skin was boiling and bubbling and black smoke was pouring from his eyes, nose, mouth and lips and he seemed to be silently screaming. For a moment, Emiliah allowed herself to feel like Flint had done it .He had killed it, just like Fenros would have. Emiliah glanced over at Liz, who was doing...something. Protecting Coraline it looked like. Suddenly Deadflint was behind Liz, wrapping his arms around her. "No..." She whispered. "No...No, Flint...Flint you....he shouldn't be here, that should have worked," There...wasn't much more Emiliah could do, but watch in horror. "Hello there, pretty little one. Let me guess, you're the groups mascot. Clearly you aren't here to fight. Perhaps they bring you along to simply calm the rage of battle that a successful hunt poisons the blood with. Tell me, how many of them do you take a night. Four, five? It is just the men, or is it the women too?" Deadflint then turned Liz around in his arms and...much like Emiliah, planted a hard kiss on her lips, spreading the same dark smoke into the girls mouth. Elizabeth was swept into the arms of deadFlint, and there she was ridiculed. His words made her blood boil, but she couldn't deny the small truths behind them. She was useless in here, she had done nothing but sat around and moped. Accepting those facts hardly made anything better for her, but it made her struggle harder against him as he kissed her. It was no use of course, because as soon as he kissed her she got the same treatment as Emiliah. She gagged on the smoke that filled her mouth, coughing loudly to try to rid it from her mouth. She clung to deadFlint desperately, trying to keep him there, at least until Coraline was finished with her spell. Her throat burned, and her eyes turned red and watery. She knew he could poof away, but she hoped he wouldn't Suddenly, as though he knew they were planning...something. deadFlint vanished, then sent them tumbling through the floor and into the throne room below.