Okay, two little Minnows votes. A thought on Little Minnow character creation. I picture characters being divided into potentially three archetypes, so we have a verity of character options for your creative endeavors. "Lesser Talents" those how have the fineness more akin to actual wizards but not the proper power/potential to be white court material. While they can't produce a large punch, they have more varied magical skills. It takes them a lot more work and time to get even a tenth of the results of your average white council member, but its a great deal more than most. And working together and orgnized you can be a much more serious threat than most would care to admit. "One Trick Ponies" A gift with fire, a Communion with the dead, a understanding of force and will, a talent with wards, or natural with nature spells. Some would call you a one trick pony, but you prefer to think of yourself as a savant. You have a special gift for one area of magic. In that one area they may be as skilled as anyone outside the council, you may be able to even throw one punch hard enough to even look council level, though it would probably take all you had to manage it. Your punches may be bigger than average but you have nothing else up their sleeve. "Gifted By Birth" Those born with a specific magical ability. Gifted or cursed to bare the burden of a power that is simply part of who you are. Proficiency, telepathy, astral projection, animal speech, etc. Though a wizard may be able to imitate your skill, they are often a pale copy. your abilities are unique to yourself. Generally speaking They have even less verity in their abilities than either of the previous types of minor talents. But at the same time almost no body can do what you do. Thoughts?