[center][b]Name:[/b] Derrick Coe.

[b]Age:[/b] 34.

[b]Alias:[/b] Black Spider.

[b]Appearance:[/b] [hider="Black Spider"][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/dcmovies/images/6/6c/Black_Spider_AOA.png/revision/latest?cb=20141203203207[/img][/hider]

[hider="Derrick Coe"][img]http://images-cdn.moviepilot.com/image/upload/c_scale,h_616,w_1109/t_mp_quality/mark-reviews-batman-assault-on-arkham-a809176f-3a6b-4e26-9f6d-b07c50a444e5-jpeg-107406.jpg[/img][/hider]
Stands at 6'0 feet, weighs closely around 189 pounds and possess a fairly muscular build. 

[b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] He is proficient in close combat, deemed an expert in the art of Krav Maga and efficient in the use of light and heavy firearms. He has the flexibility and athleticism of an Olympic athlete, the durability of a grizzly bear and the intelligence quotient of 145. He's got ties to other criminal organizations, courtesy of his career as a professional hitman, and is able to easily secure eyes around the city. He is also very deceptive, able to construct fake personas and coerce people into doing jobs out of their comfort zone.
      [*]Dual FN Five-Seven pistols.
      [*]An Ontario SP1 combat knife, a keepsake from his time as a Marine.  
      [*]A dark purple and grey exosuit, made to resist attacks from melee weapons and small firearms.
      [*]A small grappling hook strapped within the suit which can be launched through the suit's palm. [/list]
[b]Weaknesses: [/b] While a very calculative person, his beef with The Bat often leads him into undertaking dangerous tasks that may or may not have a payoff in the end. 'Batman' has become his trigger word. Any word of mouth that speaks of his whereabouts, he's inclined to investigate it and that usually gets him a few sticky spots. His suit is durable against small firearms, but will fail if he gets hit by a bullet in close range or even worse, point blank. 

[b]History:[/b] Born in a very poor household situated in Bludhaven, Derrick was a known delinquent as a child. He would have his first run-in with the police at the tender age of eleven. But while his relationship with the police botched any chances of him getting the model citizen award in the up and coming future, it was his relationship with his own kin that drove him to become the man he is as of today. Derrick suffered from abuse. His father, an unemployed alcoholic, exerted violence on the family but primarily on his mother, which resulted in her getting frustrated and often unleashing said frustration on young D. It was a vicious cycle, until one day his father went too far. In a drunken attempt to suffocate his mother, he would accidentally knock his little sister down, resulting in her demise. His father, too caught up on his murderous act, wouldn't even notice his daughter's lifeless body in the floor, or Derrick reaching for a kitchen knife a few feet away. You can already imagine the rest. His father died in the hospital from the injuries, while his mother was sent to an asylum due to the trauma of seeing one of her kids die and another one of them kill her husband. Derrick got away slightly better, being sent to an orphanage after managing to convince the police it was self-defense.

Four years. That's how much they could hold Derrick in an orphanage, which considering his thuggish behavior, it's a lot. A week after his 16th birthday, he decided he was fed up with the rules and took it to the city. However, seeing as how the streets reminded him too much of his dark past, he managed to get his hands on falsified documents and make his way into the Marines, leading everyone to believe that he was of age. He served a couple of low-intensity tours in Falklands before being boarded to Iraq where he got to show his impressive skills as a combatant. He was eyed by Amanda Waller as a potential candidate for a blacker-than-black team of assassins, but managed to escape her sights after blowing up one of the facilities in his base and making her believe he was one of the casualties. Tired by the high risk, no reward job of serving the country, he got back to the states using his natural talent and knack for deception, and began working as a small-time hitman for local mobs. After making a small fortune doing odd jobs, he bailed Bludhaven and made his way to Gotham, the criminal paradise. It was at this time that he had a few run-ins with Batman, but bore no ill will against him. Once, after doing a job for Cobblepot, he was given an enhanced exosuit as payment instead of money, a suit which would become a permanent part of him. Inspired by the masked vigilantes, he gave himself an alias - Black Spider.

Things started going sour for Derrick after he accepted a contract to assassinate the renowned criminal, Scarecrow. He was caught and subjected to his fear gas as well as a brainwashing ritual, where one of Scarecrow's henchmen repeated the numbers "Eight-Four-Seven-Five-Four-Nine". He managed to break out and assassinate most of his captors, but it was too late. The damage was already done. While it was purely subconscious, he felt threatened everytime he would see the Bat-signal shine through the sky and eventually, after months of being a hermit, he decided to end his paranoia once and for all, and with it, Batman's reign. He made a couple of attempts on his life, with his last one sending him straight to Arkham. In an attempt to undo the brainwashing, the medical staff at Arkham accidentally drifted him in a catatonic state. It was only after news of The Bat's disappearance hit the streets that he snapped out of his condition and escaped Arkham, once again taking the mantle of Black Spider.

His brainwashing is still active, however now he knows it and actively searches for a cure for it. His motivation to kill Batman still stands. Only problem now is that he's got to find him first.[/center]