A mixture of shock and amusement was on Chris's face after he heard the proposition that Leanne made him and then she so quickly changed her mind. But at the same time he felt sad for her. All she wanted was to be treated like a normal person but instead she had guys drooling over her like she was a piece of meat and not a person with feelings like everyone else. And to top it all off there was this outbreak totally preventing her from having any kind of normal life whatsoever. After she pointed out at the walker horde, Chris rose up from his seat and went to her as he looked in the distance. [color=8493ca]"Yes, those are the freaks that we faced before we got here. It looks like they're heading this way. They should be reaching us in a few hours I wager!"[/color] Said Chris with slight concern on his voice and face. [color=8493ca]"Listen, about what you said earlier...!"[/color] He said as he grabbed Leanne by her shoulders and slowly turned her around. [color=8493ca]"I can't be your boyfriend, not even a fake one. I couldn't act properly and make it believeable! I just went through a dissapointment today and it will take me some time before I open up to someone else again."[/color] He said as he made a few steps back and crossed his arms, taking one more look in the distance at the horde. Then he pulled out his balisong, flipped it open and started running his thumb then his index finger on the blade. [color=8493ca]"On the other hand...I guess I could be your bodyguard and protect you. Both from the drooling freaks out there but from walkers as well. I don't need you to pay me in anything."[/color] Said Chris as he went to the terrace they just sat on, cut a flower with the balisong, closed it, put it back in a pocket of his jeans and then headed back to Leanne, giving her the flower as he put his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. [@Wick]