
[i]”No, I ain’t heard of the Batman nowhere for the last few days. Weird.”

“He’s probably waiting to jump out of the shadows on someone, you know how he does.”

“Yeah, I saw him yesterday, he took one look at me and ran off! I mean, wouldn’t you?”[/i][/center]

Dross, worthlessness and foolishness. The Riddler had been right not to put too much faith in his human operatives, he felt, as not one of them had brought him anything even remotely useful. As always, it was Nigma’s own innovations and creations that brought him information of any relevancy. Around an hour ago, his roving search parameters had alerted him to the return of the boy-blunder on his ridiculous motorcycle. It seemed that Eddie wasn’t the only one who had noticed the Bat’s disappearance. In fact, there seemed to be far too many costumed thugs prowling the streets tonight, most of them almost entirely unknown to the Riddler. [i]Something about this city makes people think it’s acceptable behaviour to put on a spandex suit, choose a random gimmick and make a name for themselves! Ridiculous![/i]

As he glared at the flickering screens, there was a small [b]BLIP[/b] from one of the many monitors around the room. Glancing at it, Eddie saw a flashing message symbol which which was unusual to say the least. Very few people had the ability to contact Eddie and no one could do it directly. This particular message alert was triggered when certain key-words were dumped into massive uploads of raw text on a storage website. And the individual that posted them was only to do so if the unregistered mobile he had in his possession received a message comprising of another set of keywords. As if that were not enough, that mobile’s number and the second set of words were known to only one person so Nigma could be 100% certain who the message was from and what that person wanted.

“[color=lime]It never rains, but it pours.[/color]” he muttered, cracking his knuckles and kicking off various prearranged sequences of commands, strings of code and messages. If he was going to set up a meeting, it would be done just like how he did everything else; carefully, cunningly and with the maximum amount of paranoia.


Simple things were never [i]just[/i] simple with Edward. This, Jonathan came to expect. Everything from his schemes, his speech patterns, one could even potentially argue down to every thread stitched into his clothes.

On the one hand, it frustrated him, not for any so-called intellect, but because it gave the most straightforward processes about ten extra steps and six hoops to jump through. On the other, if anyone in this city could guarantee the utmost privacy and protection in this city, it was Edward. Even the Penguin with his connections couldn’t always ensure the level of security the Riddler provided.

He took in each message carefully, using specific cues to get the place and time. Even upon arriving at the location, he expected a process. And beyond the process, confirmation of the correct place. If the blaring green question marks inside didn't give it away immediately, the altered machinery in the process of being turned into a death trap contingent on quick thinking for release certainly would.

The warehouse looked nondescript, uniform and unremarkable, almost unusually so. Crane wouldn’t have been surprised if it Edward had found an image of what a warehouse ought to look like and then had one built to those specifications, expertly weathered and painted to look well used. The inside was a little more what one might expect; a lot of green and purple contraptions in various states of construction or disrepair. Crane had a couple of moments to wonder who it was Nigma got to work on these things before the lights cut out through the building.

The darkness stayed undisturbed for a few moments before two spotlights burst into life, highlighting two chairs in the middle of a cleared space in the floor. Sitting at one of the chairs was Edward Nigma, the Riddler, his grin as insufferably smug as ever. He gestured to the other chair with one hand, not taking his eyes off of Crane.

Jonathan glanced over at him. Where another man might have been taken off guard by such theatrics, he rather enjoyed the dark, wincing only due to the sudden brightness of the light.

[color=darkorange]“I don’t recall the last time we arranged a little rendezvous, Edward,”[/color], he said quietly, [color=darkorange]“but I suspect one of your caliber expected this to come in time.”[/color]

Jonathan moved to take the spare seat, stepping into the light. The brim of his hat kept his face in shadow, the cloth mask like a distorted skull.

“[color=lime]Oh, indeed. There are too few of us now in Gotham who have our sights set on, aheh, higher things. It seems that nowadays there’s nothing but thieves, serial killers and mobsters.[/color]” Eddie sighed theatrically and placed his chin on one hand. “[color=lime]And now the clown has had his last laugh. I admit, not even I expected that.[/color]”

From behind his mask, Crane took in carefully Edward’s posture and expression. And then he smirked.

[color=darkorange]“So it seems.”[/color]

His fingers curled around the ends of the armrest, tightening at the mention of the Joker. Jonathan didn't attempt to hide the ensuing bitterness in his tone.

[color=darkorange]“...And none too soon. Aside from Ms. Quinzel, I doubt there's a soul in Gotham who mourns his passing.”[/color]

Eddie chuckled. “[color=lime]Oh, I don’t know. I always thought that Batman needed Joker just as much as Joker needed Batman. Were I the sort to intrude on other’s fields of expertise, which of course I am not, I’d hazard that Batman used Joker to personally justify the need for his continued crusade. After all, what battle against crime would be complete while the Joker was still at large?[/color]”

[color=darkorange]“One might think that. But to take it further, there is no denying that he was… [i]reprehensible[/i] at best. To allow such a creature to exist in the very city the Batman time and time again vows to save...it would seem to go against his very nature, would it not? That innocent lives, time and time again, will always linger on the brink of peril.”[/color]

Another smirk.

[color=darkorange]“But no. We’re all [i]very[/i] aware of his one rule. The mass of innocents slaughtered is [i]nothing[/i] when it comes to wrestling with his own personal demons. The only reason the Batman hasn't already snapped his neck years ago is, quite simply, fear. That he’ll cross a line, and when he does, he’s reached the point of no return.”[/color]

Nigma shrugged. “[color=lime]If you say so. Though you must admit that many of our peers and perhaps even you live the lives you do only because of Batman’s one rule. Without it, his so called ‘rogue’s gallery’ would likely not last a week.[/color]” It spoke a great deal about Edward’s mental state that he saw not one thing wrong or disingenuous with what he said.

Jonathan pondered the statement a moment, gave Edward the faintest of nods.

[color=darkorange]“Regardless,”[/color] he continued, [color=darkorange]”it doesn't take a genius to piece together that with the Joker's death, we’re all waiting to see who attempts to take the available vacancy.”[/color] A glance. [color=darkorange]“But I would say you and I are among the privileged few who understand it isn't just the inevitable in-fighting and mobs trying to outdo each other and staking our own claims. Rather, it’s a matter of what becomes of ourselves...and the Batman.”[/color]

He spoke calmly, with an air of respect, though he kept his tone careful, calculating.

[color=darkorange]“Whether this city realizes it or not, everything comes back to him. It’s not going to matter who takes the mantle. What [i]does [/i] matter is how the Batman changes, because that in itself affects every dynamic we have, even among ourselves.”[/color]

“[color=lime]Bah, I have no interest in your psycho-babble! I, the Riddler, will not be influenced one jot by the Joker’s death! True, he was a titan in Gotham, a giant in the field of murder and mayhem, but my vendetta with the Batman will not be moved by the cessation of Joker’s antics. If anything, it will allow our delicate game of back and forth, our intricate chess match to proceed without distraction.[/color]”

Here Eddie eyed Crane carefully. It was always hard to make out facial expressions or reactions underneath masks to read people but long years of bluffing against the Bat, a man whose self control was legend, had honed Nigma’s not inconsiderable talents in that field. “[color=lime]but surely you didn’t call a meeting just so we could trade opinions on what comes next for the city. Perhaps you have some other, more nefarious reason for asking to meet?[/color]”

[color=darkorange]“Why wouldn’t I?”[/color]

Jonathan glanced back at Edward, joining him in their little game of trying to read one another. After a moment, he continued.

[color=darkorange]”The most important matter is where we both stand. I trust our agreement remains in effect.”[/color]

“[color=lime]Why wouldn’t it? Do you believe that something has changed in Gotham?[/color]” Eddie’s face and tone were calculatedly blank which was in itself something of a give-away.

[color=darkorange]”Yes. You know as well as I do that this city...it lives, in a sense. Has wants, needs, has its health and its ills.”[/color]

He paused a moment, once more looking at Edward. Despite the other man’s attempts to keep it back, he sensed it. A bit of nervousness. Not quite panic, but that something didn’t sit right with the Riddler.

[color=darkorange]”Something is amiss, and I summoned you because a man of your, shall we say, [i]expertise[/i], might be able to assist in pinpointing what has affected the dynamic aside from the obvious.”[/color]

Nigma scowled and spoke with noticeable irritation. “[color=lime]I don’t need you to tell me that I am the only being, the only man in all of Gotham that could have detected the subtle unease and, shall we say, absence that currently hangs over the city. I am fully aware that my intellect towers over that of every other feeble minded imbecile in this city![/color]” Seeming to realise he might have lost the threat a little, Edward looked away and broke off talking. After a moment, he straightened his tie and looked at Crane again.

“[color=lime]Yes Jonathan, I know what is happening in Gotham even though I think that Gotham hasn’t precisely noticed yet; Batman is missing. He hasn’t been seen or heard from by anyone or anything in the city for approximately seventy five hours. Before I came here, I detected the arrival of some of his favourite lackeys, the boy-blunder and his successor, the one who always dresses in red. So they know that things are not right.[/color]”

A quiet smirk under the mask. A careful glance to the Riddler, a deliberate silence as he took in that information.

[color=darkorange]“...Then this city is, in a sense, unprotected. And eventually, they’ll notice.”[/color]

A note of amusement in his tone, if only because the Scarecrow could perfectly visualize the chaos that would ensue, hear the screams and rioting, already smell the fear permeating the air at the knowledge of Gotham’s savior no longer there to watch over and protect the innocent.

“[color=lime]Well… yes and no. The Bat is away, the mice can play. But the dogs are here too; the league of assassins have come to town. [i]Again.[/i] They’ve set up in their favourite headquarters, the Nywaka Centre. So any operations we should choose to stage before Batman’s return may be met with a rather more lethal response than normal.[/color]”

[color=darkorange]“Noted,”[/color] Jonathan said calmly, [color=darkorange]“though it may be unwittingly to our advantage. With the Batman’s occasional allegiance, they may very well keep things from getting too out of hand before his return. And when he does, what better time to strike when he’s once more thrown them to the curb, and with less competition rising up in addition?”[/color]

“[color=lime]Could be. I feel there may be something else coming though… I’m a man of science and logic and naturally do not put any worth in feelings, premonitions or the like but there is a certain… feeling in the city. I don’t know what it means. [b][i]Yet[/i][/b][/color]” It was clear the admission cost Nigma considerably.

[color=darkorange]“Call it instinct,”[/color] Jonathan said, in a rare moment of assuaging trepidation instead of encouraging it. [color=darkorange]“There are times the mind knows what the tongue cannot yet voice. All it means is we watch, we wait, we accumulate new information until we can make a definite move.”[/color]

The Riddler considered his companion’s words for a few seconds and eventually seemed to accept them. “[color=lime]I am, of course, well aware of the mysteries of the sub-conscious but perhaps it is only natural that my highly superior mind be the first to pick up traces of this uneasiness, even if my forebrain was not entirely aware of it.[/color]”

[color=darkorange]“Of course.”[/color] If Edward ever realized how much effort it took to hold back the sarcasm… [color=darkorange]“The mind [i]is[/i] humanity’s greatest mystery.”[/color]

“[color=lime]I am confident I could solve it, were I to apply my full attention.[/color]”

Jonathan watched him for a moment, looking for those precious little tics and cues, and cataloguing them in the back of his mind should he ever need to set Nigma on edge. Not that he he had a reason right now, but who knew what the future held?

[color=darkorange]“Nevertheless, this meeting has been more than fruitful. I appreciate your assistance, Edward.”[/color] Jonathan stood, turning to head back into the darkness. [color=darkorange]“And while I don’t doubt your brilliance and confidence in your work, know that should another angle ever be needed, you know how to find me.”[/color]

Still sitting at the table, the Riddler laughed. “[color=lime]I know where to find everyone, Jonathan. No one hides from me for long.[/color]”

It may have been his imagination, but a faint chuckle came from the dark. Afterward, the Scarecrow did as he always did: melded into the shadows until he decided the time was right to reemerge.

Across town in a room full of green screens, lights began to flash and flicker. First one, then two, then three but before long there were dozens, each one reporting a separate incident. And all across Gotham, Nigma’s premonitions were coming true...
