[@Demonic Angel][@Aerandir] She couldn't help the curious look she gave Jason. How did he know about babies? He cleared it up moments later and she nodded. [color=7bcdc8]"You'd made a better mother than me,"[/color] she commented as she watched Grace chew on his finger. Kat flinched away when the teen boy started rubbing her back. She didn't like being touched by people she knew much less people she had just met. She unconciously moved closer to Jason. At least he was one she knew. Her anger flared again as people made deals regarding her and her child. [color=7bcdc8]"Listen here, I am a grown woman. No one is making decisions regarding me and my daughter but me, understand?" [/color]she said sharply. How dare these brats think they could talk about her like she wasn't there? Her bitch side, which had gone away when Jason talked to her, came back in full force. Her arms tightened protectively around Grace and her back straightened, her jaw clenching ready to fight. Her woman's heart, deep where she had buried it, like that Jason backed her up on the not making deals about her part. He also seemed miffed that the strange man before them was attempting to take over Kat and Grace. While she could take care of herself, she liked that she could count on him for backup. Him and his gun, which she was sure everyone noticed he was touching at the moment. The teens talking wasn't making much sense to her so she just ignored most of it. It was like they were having a conversation that only made sense to the two of them. They must have been together for a long time. [color=7bcdc8]"I haven't seen Ethan, but I'd sure as hell like to know where he is. In my opinion he should make out with the child-bride once his own child is taken care of,"[/color] Kat answered Jason while bouncing Grace as the baby started to cry a little once again. She wasn't screaming but anyone nearby would hear her crying. [color=7bcdc8]"Shh baby, I know it hurts," [/color]she cooed gently, her personality doing a complete 180 when her attention was on her daughter. [color=7bcdc8]"I'm so sorry sweet girl. Shh..."[/color] She was being bitchy about him and Nikki. In truth it didn't really bother her, the two of them being together. What did bother her like an abcessed tooth was the fact that while he was off playing tonsil hockey and God knew what else with the reincarnated Buffy action figure that his own child, who he swore to help care for, was crying and being verbally attacked and threatened with being kicked out by the people here.