[hider=Yusuke Ayumu, the Spade Dream Knight] [list] [*][b]Name:[/b] Yusuke Ayumu [*][b]Age:[/b] 15 [*]Appearance:[hider=Ordinary Yusuke][img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/5182/f/2016/129/9/6/danny_the_dream_knight_by_rivux-da1y8xc.png[/img] Yusuke stands at 5’8’’ with a bit of a lanky figure to him.[/hider] [hider=Spade Dream Knight][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/8ec8/f/2016/129/1/b/dream_knight_spade_full_bod_by_rivux-da1y8x0.png[/img] When transformed, Yusuke’s body beefs up just a bit to better handle physical activity.[/hider] [*][b]Personality:[/b] Yusuke is an introverted and cowardly young man with low self-esteem. He often tries to keep to himself so he can’t bother anyone, even if it does negatively affect himself. This approach to life hasn’t particularly done him any favors, and it shows very well in his poor grades and small amount of friends. Despite his hangups, however, Yusuke isn’t a gloom-train mashed together with an easily shoved around doormat. He grew up idolizing superheroes and uses them as motivation not to mope around or ignore injustice. He's also a bit competitive, despite his poor faith in himself. If he sees someone giving it their all, he can’t help but feel like he should do the same. [*][b]Spade Dream Knight[/b] [*][b]Abilities:[/b][list] [*][i]Astral Projection[/i] and [i]Dream Entering:[/i] As a Dream Knight, Yusuke is supposed to combat monsters that assault people in their dreams, or are born from them. As long as he’s wearing his special henshin belt, he can focus and detach his spirit from his body with no harm. Entering people’s dreams is as simple as just placing his hands on their head. [*][i]Transformation:[/i] By holding one of his [i][url=http://orig01.deviantart.net/dc45/f/2016/129/3/7/dream_knight_spade_keys_by_rivux-da1y8wx.png]Spade Keys[/url][/i], Yusuke can summon forth his belt, the [i][url=http://orig01.deviantart.net/0872/f/2016/132/e/6/lock_driver_by_rivux-da2a5do.png]Lock Driver.[/url][/i] From there it’s just a matter of inserting the key and locking that form in. He can activate a finishing move by “revving up” his driver like a car engine.[list] [*][b]Jack Key:[/b] Corresponds with the dark blue color scheme and is Yusuke’s default form. It greatly enhances his physical capabilities, making him strong enough to easily punch through a wall or survive getting thrown through one. His jumping power is magnified enough to be able to jump up to 15 feet in the air, as well. His own stamina isn’t affected, though, so he has to power through with his underdeveloped constitution. [*][b]Queen Key:[/b] Corresponds with the light blue color scheme. It extremely enhances his strength and durability, making him powerful enough to lift a small car and tank getting hit with one. His jumping power isn’t affected, though, and his running speed is cut to make up for his power. His stamina is also unaffected. [*][b]King Key:[/b] Corresponds with the brown color scheme. It extremely enhances his mobility, allowing him to jump up to 30 feet in the air and run as fast as 30 mph if he had enough time to build up his speed. His stamina is actually given a boost and lets him last much longer than he would normally, but his own physical strength and durability receive no enhancements, so he’s only as strong as he ordinarily is. [*][b]Ace Key:[/b] The Ace Key is not used for transformation, but it does insert to the other side of the driver. It bestows a shovel-like weapon depending on the key already inserted. For the Jack Key, it effectively produces a long, magic shovel that’s capable of digging through any material. For the Queen Key, it produces a short shovel that lacks the magic digging ability, but makes up for it by being as tough as steel. For the King Key, it produces a pair of tough garden trowels that are even more useless for actual digging, but makes up for it with the ability to return to his hands by thought.[/list][/list] [*][b]Skills:[/b] Yusuke is actually fairly good at card games. Trading card games, in particular. At the shop he visited prior to going to Ishinomori, he was the reigning champ of their big tournaments for a solid three years. He’s also particularly good at any kind of shooter game no matter what it is, but he’s quite positive skills like those won’t get him anywhere in life. [*][b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Yusuke went through life fairly reclusive from most of his peers, but he managed to make a few friends via a shared interest in superheroes and the popular TCG of the time. As he got older he stuck steadfast to the few friends he made and never really tried anything too out of the ordinary. Come high school, however, the few friends he had went separate ways, and his grades saw a steady decline as his number one circle for help became too busy for him. On one stressful study night, Yusuke took a break from attempting to study by checking his email. In it, he found a strange survey asking for his name and a few oddly specific details over his preference of superhero theming. Not taking it seriously at all, he went for the choice of “a spade themed superhero that uses shovels and keys.” Much to his surprise the following week, he received a package in the mail containing the Spade Keys and a message declaring him a worthy man to become the newest “Dream Knight” to combat monsters known as Nightmares. Despite earnestly believing that there was some kind of mistake, he couldn't deny how much he wanted to be superhero and accepted the call to action. He caught Ishinomori Academy’s attention after a rather messy, but successful first fight against a Nightmare.[/list][/hider]