[@Belle][@Aerandir][@Aintitfun1997][color=skyblue]Erin Hyde McGarth[/color] Erin waited until the man spoke his peace, hands clenching and releasing her fists while he did, trying to decide on how to break this to them. This place was indeed vulnerable but the only place safe enough was the high school. With a child being dragged from place to place along with a very limited time frame the chances wasn't looking good. All the girl was trying to do was keep as many people as she could safe yet it seemed they were trying to bring her inner demon out. Her mouth opened only to clamp shut once more as Kathryn fliched away. Haru’s facial expression showed his hurt on his face, which wasn't unusual. The clenching and releasing of the young woman’s fist quickened as the mother spoke. Clearly she was worried about the child, pissed off at the father, and who knew what else.[color=skyblue]” I hate to point out what you all most likely already know but I have to say it. First off that only two story building that I know of is the high school. Two is that we have a horde coming this way and Walkers hidden in the overgrown yards. Third thing is the very limited timing in which the horde arrives with a few miles still to go.”[/color] the lighter half stated before turning towards Haru.[color=yellow]” Allow us to help get your group to safety at least. Because I don't want Erin to kill another bitten child in order to make sure they don't turn. I mean I really love this lovely Irish woman and eventually I would like to marry her. Along with adding kids into the mix.”[/color] he stated in a matter and fact way. This caused Vincent to glare at the young man. [color=skyblue]” I'm just stating the three problems here. If you find the holy grail of answers please let me know. Any other suggestions would be helpful as well.”[/color] Erin stated before storming off. She walked around for a while only to run into the kid. This caused a small smile upon her face.[color=skyblue]” Hello. My name is Erin Hyde McGarth. What's your name kiddo and where did you come from?”[/color] [hr] [color=orange]Vincent James McGarth[/color] Vincent and Raven watched Erin practically storm out. The older brother looked towards Haru as if to ask what the hell happened only to receive a sigh.[color=violet]” What happened to the girl dad wrote about? I mean I would expect that from Clara but Erin? Seriously?”[/color] the twin said in a shocked voice.[color=yellow]” Sorry if we upset you. Before you judge my girlfriend there's something you need to know. Something very important which will explain her unique situation. Erin had been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder as a child so when the outbreak happened… The girl had to watch her Aunt get torn into as she ran out the door with her 8 year old cousin.”[/color] he stated before Raven took over.[color=violet]” I remember running into the neighbor. My sister tried hard to save him but something happened. I don't remember if it was Walkers around them or other people. In the end she was holding on to the boy as he bleed out in her arms. Eventually the child died, turned, and was killed.”[/color] she said placing the pieces together. [color=orange]” In the end her disorder created Clara. Makes complete sense really. The darker half shields the better half from the horrors of this world. When it comes to interacting with others the two sides switch. A true Jekyll and Hyde situation.”[/color] the older brother said breaking his silence.[color=violet]” Question is what will happen in the future? Will one side of the coin take over or will she get either killed or turned. Great we have a ticking time bomb on our hands my dearest brother.”[/color] the girl said in a sarcastic way.[color=yellow]” We could try for the school but the kid and mom is having a really bad day. Erin and I can tell Alex’s brother Oliver you're good though the counsel will want to double check. Along with Alex.”[/color] the younger man stated.[color=orange]” Which only adds more questions into the mix. What about these other people? Will they want to leave this type of life? Along with what will they do once they find out that Haru, Erin, and this Alex is here?”[/color] The question lingered in the air causing a sour taste inside the twin’s mouths.[color=orange]” I don't want to find out. Alright then we all agree that our best chance to survive is moving. I've got at least 20 maybe more and 4 or 5 cars.”[/color] guy said as he ruffled his hair.[color=yellow]” Does anyone own a tank? Cause I don't see us getting out without one.”[/color] the kid stated.