Camyllia looked at her confused," You don' remember me Clara?" She shakes her head sighing,"Camyllia. My name's Camyllia...look I need ta talk ta ya privately. I need to talk to someone 'bout this 'cause I don' think anyone else will listen but maybe ya can?" She asked trying to figure out the right thing to say. That is one thing that she hates is that whenever she would talk about something she is not certain about her brain scrambles it. Right now she trying to just focus on getting all the [i]good[/i] people out the building before they all die.She heard Blitz growling and turned watching her people running out into the parking lot. Camyllia looks at the woman before grabbing her hand and putting her old machete into it. "Come with me. Ethan is a good man an' he can get us out o' here," She gets out her Tactical Machete," Or don'," She says before running after the rest of them," C'mon Blitz!" She ran out catching sight of Ethan getting into a truck and followed after them hopping into the tailgate Blitz following. She was greeted by a huge Husky growling at them. Camyllia raised her hand sticking it out and letting the dog sniff it before it relaxed and let her pet it. [@Demonic Angel]