Speak of the Devil and he shall appear. No sooner had she finished speaking did Daddy of the Year himself walk up and actually hold his child. [i]Showing interest in her now are we[/i], was on the tip of Kat's tongue but 'Buffy' appeared moments later. She handed Kat gold. Well, it might as well have been gold. Orajel![color=6ecff6] "Thank whatever god that's still listening," [/color]Kat said gratefully. It wasn't Baby Orajel but it was close enough. Before anyone could really react 'Buffy' was off barking orders at everyone. Apparently she was now First Lady of their company. Kat raised an eyebrow. Oh this was going to get old VERY fast... Kat felt more comfortable around Jason than Ethan at the moment so she really didn't like Nikki ordering him around. She doubted a military man like Jason would like it either. She gave a pointed look at Ethan that said 'control your trophy wife' but Ethan was doing his best to ignore her, probably because he knew what look he would be facing if he made eye contact with her. Kat took Grace from him, not forcefully but in a gentle way. She had meant what she said. Even though he was showing less then no interest in her Kat was not going to keep his child from him for the few moments he seemed to remember he had one. Putting some of the gel on her finger, she rubbed the inside of the suffering baby's mouth. Tears ran like water works down her little cheeks as she whimpered. [color=6ecff6]"That feels better doesn't it sweet love?" [/color]Kat soothed her. Grace, tired from the pain and crying, laid her head on her mommy's shoulder and closed her eyes. She likely wasn't going to sleep with all of the noise around her, but she was at least resting. [color=6ecff6]"By the way, just so you are aware, one of the little rats that lives here was threatening Grace and me because she was crying, saying he was going to get us kicked out," [/color]Kat informed Ethan, [color=6ecff6]"in case you wanted to know what was going on with your daughter. Jason has been watching out for us."[/color] Okay so that had been a slam, but it was meant to be one. Jason, a man who was not related to them in the slightest, was showing more interest and concern for Grace than her own father. Kat wanted Ethan to start manning up. At the moment his girlfriend was wearing the pants more than he was.