Gloria was sitting beside Takumi for the whole fight, intently watching unfolding battle. Golden-white sunburst pattern flickered in and out of existence on her brow several times in the course of the sparring, but for the large part, she was content to let Takumi do his thing. Besides, it was not like King was going to lose - in her humble opinion, his power, when properly applied, could easily rank as one of the top-tier powers - and he excercised with it. Battle went more or less as expected and she dug into her PDA in search of their next class when teacher happened. She prepared to put on her best charm and bullshit their way out of there when Pablo opened his mouth and started blabbing. Gloria was acting more on reflex than on something else. Golden swirls traced her skin, manifesting in an elaborate tattoo pattern, and sunburst simbol blossomed into existence on her brow, surrounding her head with a faintly glowing golden-white halo. [center][img][/img][/center] Striding forward with sudden confidence and magnetism in her body language, Gloria interposed herself between other students and the teacher and addressed him while he was still some distance away. [center][img][/img][/center] Booming, resounding voice filled the stadium, drowning out any other attempt at conversation. Gloria did not shout, but her voice somehow gained that piercing quality usually associated with professional speakers or commanders of old; men and women who could cut through the clamour of a raging mob or a battlefield without even raising their voice much. [u][b][color=fff79a]- 'ello, sir. Ve're doing exactly vhat it looks like: sparring off shedule, to gain some extra practice vit our Noble Arms. Ve are terribly sorry to use school's facilities tat vay, but you 'ave to understand: neiter of us is witin rank range tat vould allov extra training, and vitout it ve'll never get tere. Also, some of us don't vant to make mistakes before teir peers, so tey vanted to train off te books.[/color][/b][/u] - Gloria's voice was filled with supreme confidence in herself and her words - she talked about what has happened as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, not even deserving any thought about it. [u][b][color=fff79a]- Sir....may I ask you to not report us on tis? Ve honestly vant to improve ourselves.[/color][/b][/u] - she seriously looked in the eyes of approaching man.