[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ovj9urp.png[/img] [sub][color=83817c]i dreamed that love would never die.[/color][/sub] [sup][color=000000]now life has killed the dream that i dreamed.[/color][/sup][hr][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ItCMyrW.png[/img][/center][color=83817c][center][i]T[/i]wisting, falling, plummeting, never ceasing, never slowing - too fast, too quick - destructive speeds and failing catches against the bedrock. Rain slick roads, smog choked alleys, and neon signs flickering in the gloom, The Badlands won't let them go, it's a cruel master, a terrifying mother, a sadistic mistress and a smiling executioner. They're bastards of the underground, orphans of the church and victims of the sin and the sinner, the spires glow and the people go, never figuring to inquire why, how, and where do they go. The Badlands is Home, in all the pain, agony, the fresh wounds, the nicotine stained teeth and lips, the blackened lungs and the poison kisses of each smile. The children suffer, the adults wane, the adolescents are the only ones who seem to thrive. They've given their innocence to The Badlands, and laugh gleefully with bodies flush, arms taut, and throats raw from their cries and songs. The Badlands even takes that happiness, in cost and exchange for soul and heart, leaving no room for hope, dreams, life, and ambition - love. [i]Until they met.[/i][/center][/color] [center][ ♕ ][/center]