[color=bc8dbf]The realm of Estiala is known for the Houses that inhabit it; a variety of people make their homes in the northern, eastern, and southern parts of the continent, all aligned under a multitude of banners and names. However, three of the Houses are the ones that stand out-- they are the major Houses, one of which is the Great House, which rules over the entire of Estiala. Even the larger Houses of the realm must listen to the Great House, naming its lord their king. The king of the Great House once had heirs to his throne, but they passed away in a sudden bout of illness. Even though he is distraught, he continues to rule over the land, seemingly loved and cherished by all. Yet, in Estiala, there are some who must learn that not all is at it seems. [/color] [hr] [color=bc8dbf]Hello! I made this RP specifically for those who wish to roleplay in a Game of Thrones-like world, but not have to focus on the huge amounts of lore that one must study. I just wanted to add a few things to the interest check other than the plot, so here they are. :) - There will be three [i]major[/i] Houses, but you may make characters that come from minor ones as well. They will all be specified in the OOC. - It is advised that you make more than one character in order to promote interaction. This is to avoid anyone getting left out. - You [b]will[/b] be able to play the lord and ladies of the major Houses, along with the heirs. But in order to do this, you [b]must be an active participant of both the IC and OOC.[/b] I expect a post every one or two days. - There will be no magic in the roleplay [b]at all.[/b] There are stories of "curses" and "witchcraft", but such things do not work. In fact, those trying to conduct in such acts will be punished. - I expect you to be a high-casual RPer with proper grammar. [/color]