[center][color=f26522][h1]FELIX STANDFIELD[/h1][/color][b]Location: School Building[/b][/center] Humming a light tune, Felix walked at a brisk pace. He pretty hungry this morning, and fancied a bite of fish for breakfast. Unfortunately, the camp had none. It wasn't really a surprise -- food was rationed, and so they only took what foods could be preserved for long periods of time, not to mention, Felix was completely sure that everyone had their own personal stash of food hidden away somewhere, so sure that he went to look for them in his free time, and managed to find all of them. He didn't take a thing though. He was just bored. Back to the present, he was hungry for fish, so he went fishing. It was funny how undisturbed nature was in general by the sudden death of the twenty-first century human civilization, he idly thought, as he hefted the basket of fish over his shoulders. Then he jumped over the grabbing hands of a Lurker trying to have its own form of a nutritious breakfast. Walking backwards, Felix looked at the small crowd of Walkers he had attracted. They had followed him on his way back from fishing, and while he could always just outrun them, he figured that a light morning exercise couldn't hurt. So he attracted whatever Walkers he could find and led them on a nice merry chase away from the school, towards a nearby parking lot. There were two ways to fight a crowd of Walkers: out in the open, or in tight spaces. In places with clear space and with nothing blocking your sight, dealing with them was simple. Despite the fear they instilled, despite the death they have dealt, fighting the living dead was nothing compared to fighting humans. And fighting humans was nothing compared to fighting Felix. It was a much lighter exercise than he expected. [hr] [color=f26522]"I'm back~!"[/color] The guard looked at him from behind the fortified gates of the school, and scowled as soon as he saw him. Felix grinned back. "Felix. You're back. I hadn't even noticed you left," he deadpanned. In response, Felix lifted the basket of fish he was holding to eye level. [color=f26522]"Ah, well, I had a sudden craving for fish, and since the camp didn't have any, I decided to get some,"[/color] he said, as though it were the simplest thing in the world. The guard stared at him. "That still doesn't answer my question: How did you get out?" [color=f26522]"I climbed the walls."[/color] "You climbed . . . the walls?" Felix gestured to sheer walls around the school, over five meters tall and additionally fortified with barbwire. [color=f26522]"Yeah, the walls."[/color] Sighing, the guard shook his head opened the gates. He was followed by two more people, both armed. They approached him, the one guard irritated, the other two cautious. Felix spread his arms wide and turned around. [color=f26522]"As you can see, I am completely fine!"[/color] he said, rolling up his sleeves and showing his bare arms. [color=f26522]"Well, can I go in now?"[/color] Waving his hand, the guard nodded. "Yeah, yeah. Go on ahead." With a cheeky grin, Felix strolled past them and into the building. The quadrangle had been turned into a miniature market place, with the stalls made out of tents and ramshackle huts made of scavenged wood and steel; of course, he called it a market, but it was more of a relief goods place -- supplies found by scavengers were sent to the stalls in charge of sorting them out, and then they distributed them evenly among the community, though Felix suspected there was some favoritism going on. The classrooms had been turned into apartments, of sorts, and distributed among the people here. Families typically gained one room to themselves, while singles had to share a room. All-in-all, it was pretty okay, as far as post-Apocalypse communities go. Certainly better than the one back in Virginia. Still, life here was getting pretty monotone. If nothing interesting happened any time soon, he was considering leaving for Las Vegas, before heading down to Mexico. Whatever, he had fish to fry. He was starving . . .