After Chris and Leanne got back in the rec center all hell broke loose as everyone started packing their stuff to leave. Nikki started barking orders at everyone and the person that was really supposed to do that was only physically present. As he watched Leanne talk to Nikki about Kat and the baby Chris was thinking to himself as he looked at Ethan. [i]Some leader you are! I guess she's wearing the pants in the family isn't she?[/i] Chris snapped out of it after Leanne grabbed him and took him to her room. He didn't say anything to Nikki as it wasn't the right time, with everyone being busy packing up. After helping her with her stuff they both got out of the room and Chris suddenly remembered Lisa and told Leanne. [color=8493ca]"Go at the exit and wait for me there. I gotta go find my sister before we leave!"[/color] Said Chris as he went off, heading to the main room. What used to be a calm place now turned into an all out chaos. But he didn't care about any of that. All he wanted was to find his sister and get out of here. As he was heading to the main room he started hearing his sister's familiar cries calling his name. After reaching the main room in the midst of all the the people running in various directions he could see his sister standing somewhere in the middle, shouting for him. Then all of a sudden some guy bumps into her, knocking her down. Chris starts running to her, pushing everyone out of his way. [color=8493ca]"Hey, are you alright?"[/color] Said Chris grabbing his sister by the hands and lifting her up. [color=8493ca]"Come on, we gotta leave. That horde is close to the city."[/color] He said as he took his backpack from his sister's hands and put it on his back as she remained with the duffle bag only. After that Chris and Lisa both ran to the exit, where they reunited with Leanne who was waiting there for them. It didn't take long for Nikki to appear as well, telling Leanne something, patting her on her back and then knocking the door open. Chris pulled out his revolver and turned around to Leanne. [color=8493ca]"I'm gonna help the others clear a path to the vehicles. You see that black Impala over there? That's my car. Take my sister, go to it and and wait for me inside."[/color] Said Chris as he turned around, cocked his revolver and shot a walker in the head. There were too many walkers outside so silence didn't matter anymore. He then put the revoler in the holster as he pulled out his KA-BAR knife, grabbed a walker that was heading to him by it's neck and stabbed it in the left side of the head with it. He then gave a right side kick to a walker that was trying to grab him from behind, pulled out his revolver again and shot it in the head. He was now very close to Nikki who was fighting off walkers as well. He shot one of the walkers that was right in front of her. Nikki turned around shocked because the bullet came millimeters close to her head. [color=8493ca]"After we reach the high school you and I need to talk. You can't avoid me forever."[/color] Said Chris with an upset tone as he turned around and headed to his car, putting his KA-BAR back in it's sheath and the revolver back in the holster. [@Wick]