[quote=@Rin] ...I must keep missing those. D: I'll always have a soft spot for the X-Men, since the 90's cartoon was one of the two things that got me into superheroes in the first place. XD ...The other being Power Rangers but I digress. Mind you, I am weird and always want to do my own spin on the Clone Saga whenever I think of doing Marvel stuff (kind of spurred on by the fact that pretty much every version of it other than the original was actually pretty good; [i]especially[/i] the Ultimate version) but no-one ever seems to want to do Spidey as an established hero so it never works out. XD ...Anyways um... Sorry I haven't been posting. Been feeling kind of sick lately, and to be honest it's not something I mention much but I'm kind of sick a lot (not going into any more detail than that) which is kind of a damper on enthusiasm and stuff since I start to worry too much that I've not posted for a while and I'll get yelled at or something because of it but anyways. But I still really like how this is set up and Dblade said he'd help me with posts so hopefully sometime soon-ish maybe I'll get something done. Sorry about that though. ^^; [/quote] I DID promise I'd help with her posting, but in an irritating coincidence I'm ALSO sick (which also happens a lot) and also still trying to recover from surgery which is putting a damper on my attempts to lift a damper off of Rin XD. But yes hopefully our bit can move forward soon, going to my surgeon today to check on progress so there's that.