Destin nods, relieved. He then looks up at the sky and gasps. "Oh no! I should be getting back to camp!" He scrambles to his paws and shifts, grabbing his pouch. "If Fabine finds out I left camp for so long, and alone! "He shakes his head and then smiles warmly at Aya. "I'll see you around okay??"
Fabine shrugs . "Many in the Broms feel that way too. However you're wrong. Sacha especially is the biggest threat to our group. She's only been leader a shirt while, yet I haven't seen the Rabins so...rallied. they're dangerous despite their weakness. And the fact that you couldn't be bothered to kill their leader just proves my point. She could easily come and kill us now while we're on her side of the river, even while injured. She's hot headed and doesn't think through decisions like I do."
Fabine shrugs . "Many in the Broms feel that way too. However you're wrong. Sacha especially is the biggest threat to our group. She's only been leader a shirt while, yet I haven't seen the Rabins so...rallied. they're dangerous despite their weakness. And the fact that you couldn't be bothered to kill their leader just proves my point. She could easily come and kill us now while we're on her side of the river, even while injured. She's hot headed and doesn't think through decisions like I do."