[color=skyblue]Erin Hyde McGarth[/color] Erin listened to Camyllia, frowning at the dark half's name, before watching the girl run after someone. Her sixth sense tingled as it normally did when danger was near, meaning something had gone wrong. The light half began to follow only to stop when hearing screaming down the hallway. There was one rule in this world and that was don't go anywhere alone. Another scream forced the girl to groan as she ran after the sound. What seemed like a flood of men, woman, and children bumped into the teenager desperately trying to run away from something. It wasn't until Erin was mostly at the end of the crowd that she had found out why they were in a huff to get away. Two walkers were munching and tearing into an unfortunate victim, a small child of all things, making the teenager stop in place. This wasn't what she wanted to see yet whatever god ran this world decided to play a very cruel joke. The teenager shook her head in time to hear another scream close by. There was shifting from the body along with a groan. Her eye darted around trying to figure out what to do in case they decide they were done eating. There was four doors excluding the one the teenager arrived in. Three was towards the walkers, one on the left, one on the right, and other just ahead behind them. To her luck there was a door to the right with what looked like a cabinet blocking the doorway with just enough room for a small person. The walker finally stood as it slowly shifted towards the only living human near by. Bad luck for the lighter half if it had not been for a cat jumping on top of a cabinet. This have the girl time to run towards the door behind her only to have someone grab her arm." Shhh. Come with me before those bad men get us." The young child said while dragging Erin towards another door. After they got away the boy smiled at the newly rescued girl." Sorry about the scare miss. I was trying to find someone to help my older brother until I saw those dead people. Glad Fran's cat decided to say hello." He said with a weak smile. Before the teen could spoke something hit her head. She groaned in pain before getting hit again in the side." Henry I bought this person to help. Why are you beating her?" The child asked." Because we can use her as bait while we escape. Get ready to run Matt." The assailant said beating on the girl more. The girl weakly called out for help just before blacking out. [hr] [color=orange]Vincent James McGarth[/color] Vincent was about to suggest something before some mentioned something about needing to move out now. This statement caused the two young men to dash out at the same time, nearly tripping over each other, while the devil's twin nipping at his heels.[color=yellow]" Alex we gotta go now! Vincent which way did Erin go?"[/color] the Japanese teenager asked in a panicked voice.[color=orange]" I don't know. I was giving her space. Raven I want the men to help get survivors out. Conserve ammo as much as possible. Spears are inside the car so carefully make your way there. Tell Yoko not to go wild with the lead."[/color] the leader said in a 'that's an order' voice.[color=yellow]" I have to find Erin."[/color] the young man said before Raven grasped his arm.[color=violet]" Vincent is a better choice. I need your help leading these people outs and securing a path. He'll find her Haru I promise."[/color] she said in a calm voice.[color=yellow]" Fine then. If I find out she's hurt then I'm holding you two personally responsible."[/color] with that in the air he followed the girl. The older brother didn't say anything but he just ran towards the other hallway. Was this the third right or the third left? The man didn't quite know. So many were either running or getting bitten and torn apart by a group of walkers around them. Unfortunately there seemed to be more a little more living than undead, at least for now. Vincent raised his pistol shooting a walker right in the head. He ran forward ignoring the pleads of help around him. The focus was to get everyone out yet the older brother's main focus was is youngest sister. The only family he had left was to two siblings and he would protect them at all costs. Even at the expense of these survivors' lives. A unknown voice screamed duck forcing the man to hit the floor. Bang. Bang. Bang. Thump." Man can't hit the side of a barn today. You okay man." A person said while holding out a hand.[color=orange]" I'm searching for someone. Her name is Erin Hyde McGarth. She's very unique individual and I would like to find her right away."[/color] he said as he grabbed the newly arrived woman's hand." Matt had a teenager with him. That must be who you're looking for. But we will have to hurry because Henry is usually with him." The man looked at the woman before nodding then ran with her towards the last known location. After killing some more walkers they had arrived. The woman insisted in walking in first due to there being a child inside. The older brother found it pointless if they didn't hurry than Erin would get hurt that was if she wasn't already. If his sister was hurt there would be hell to pay. Slowly they worked their way inside, every sound caused them to hold their breaths and stop, until they arrived at what caused all emotions in Vincent to cease. Erin was on the floor with someone standing over her throwing punch after punch. This just pissed the guy off making his true colors to show. Like someone switching off a switch in order to in his mind protect his kin. Vincent pointed his gun at the man shooting his legs with a spine chill smirk. The woman quickly took the kid out telling him to hurry up. The older brother put his gun away and picked up his sister. "You can't leave me here." The voice pleaded.[color=orange]" Why? It looked like you were going to kill my sister. Most likely beat her then leave her for dead."[/color] the guy said while walking outside. Once they were clear Raven ran towards them clearing a way towards Alex's car.[color=violet]" Come on! Haru said we have to lead them in so hurry up."[/color] the girl said taking her sibling's place on top. Haru looked at Alex, rage clearly displayed in his eyes as the two got inside. The young man started the car and lead the way to their home leading the others to it.