Oh, i wanna try to play this! I've even got the idea for a character already. His name is Cere-Bellum and he is a deadly cybernetic horror, a techno-barbarian from the fringe of known universe who did not let his less than noble birthright stand in the way of his ambition and desire of beauty and honor. He is called what he is because at one time in his infancy his father, a mighty king of a desolated Death World named Bloody Bones, left him without constant supervision and tending for mere few seconds - and when his attention finally returned to the beloved child, there was already a horrible predatory beast in his cradle, tearing at the infant's head while the child was desperately clutching at the monster's throat. Terrified, the father quickly disposed of the monster, but alas, it was almost too late - child's head was pulped and ripped into shreds and splinters, yet miraculously, there was some fraction of life left in him! The king summoned the mightiest of his techno-wizards, fleshmasters and chirurgeons who then worked his child for many weeks and months to graft unto him a true marvel of forbidden technology - a robotic head with a multi-protonic mechabrain that'd restore his child to life and sentience and enable him to become a great warrior. Thus was born Cere-Bellum, The Battlebrain, informally known amongst his few peers as The Sloggernoggin, a man, who, through his youth has implanted into himself enough cybernetic and digital weaponry of forgotten ages to rival armies and increased his wit and tactical acumen in countless wars to the degree where he could compete with many warlords of the universe - yet, a machine that is unable to truly love or feel and because of that is incredibly miserable and starry-eyed, travelling the galaxy in search of answers to the infinite amount of questions he has pertaining to human soul, emotion and compassion.