The others stared in shock as Yuri brought the boy down to the ground. Everyone here was a delinquent of one degree or another. They cut class, got into fights, and disrespected teachers and authority practically as a pastime. However, there were limits, limits defined by things they couldn't get out from easily, especially since, for all that this was a school, it was still a school for [i]Arms Masters[/i]. There was a pregnant silence as everyone watched the boy hit the ground, and then that silence gave birth to chaos. The small mob of kids rushed towards Yuri, all but ready to murder him. The girl that was to be his opponent jumped back and fell on her rear, startled by the turn of events. As for the teacher, she was shouting in futility, trying to grab their attention and restore order. Eventually, even students from inside the classroom got involved, and for five minutes, all hell broke loose. Then it happened. The students all froze up, and then dropped to their knees, wheezing heavily. Footsteps were heard, and the teacher backed away. A man in dark jogging pants and green shirt with the tag "ARMY" across the right sleeve approached, holding a dagger in hand by the blade. He had a stern, severe face and his demeanor was that of a true veteran. "What the [i]hell[/i] is going on here?" he barked. "I heard the commotion all the way from the faculty room, and I wondered what it was, so now, [i]you[/i]," he said, glaring directly at Yuri, "have the pleasure of explaining to me. Now!" [hr] The man quickly took a look at all their ID's, before jotting their names down on a pocket notebook. Satisfied, the man turned to them. "Anyway, you'd best get back to class right now. There are some announcements to be made, and I don't think we'll have classes for the afternoon." With that, he left, leaving the four of them alone in the arena again. [@KindledBeast]-[@Letter Bee]-[@Progenitus]-[@Altasaire]-[@Keksalot]