[center][h1] [color=ec008c]Nikki Hyatt[/color] [/h1][/center] Nikki was absorbed in clearing a path and killing walkers and she saw Chris, Tex and Jason and a few others she recognized but couldn't think of their names offhand. They hadn't run into this many walkers all at once since the horde in the city. She let her guard down for a split second to make sure Kat and the baby were safe. Chris shot one of the walkers that was right in front of her. Nikki turned around shocked because the bullet came millimeters close to her head. [color=0072bc]"After we reach the high school you and I need to talk. You can't avoid me forever."[/color] Said Chris with an upset tone as he turned around and headed to his car, putting his KA-BAR back in it's sheath and the revolver back in the holster. Nikki was pissed off at Chris. He nearly killed her and had the audacity to demand they speak later. [i]Oh we'll speak later for sure![/i] she thought to herself as she put a little more anger into her next swing. Nikki looked at the Impala and saw both Leanne and Lisa were in there. She looked up at the truck and Ethan was at the wheel with Kat and the baby in the cab too. She turned back to the walkers as more people were fitted into the back of the truck. [color=00a651]"Nikki come on!"[/color] Tex yelled and reached out for her hand as Ethan started moving the truck out. She didn't come though. Soon Tex yelled again but she was trying to get some distance between the truck and the walkers. [color=ec008c]"Go!"[/color] Nikki yelled [color=ec008c]"I'll catch up."[/color] She could easily outrun the walkers. She caught Ethan's face in the truck mirror and he gave her a questioning look. She smiled and yelled [color=ec008c]"Go Ethan!"[/color] He hit the gas and headed for the school looking for her behind them. He knew she knew where they were going and that she was doing her job, but he didn't like leaving her there alone one single bit. At this point he wished he had made Tex drive. Nikki had studied the map and she knew they were only a couple of miles from the school. She just wanted to give them enough time to get the gates open and get inside. Nikki could climb the fence and the walkers couldn't. Nikki went into a restaurant just up the street and up to the second floor to the apartment above it. She took out the two walkers on that floor and went out the fire escape. In the mean time there were enough walkers in the restaurant and the 2nd floor that they were spilling out of the window. Nikki wound her way around the buildings and up onto the roof of one of them. She could see the truck and the Impala and another car getting further away from her and closer to the school. She looked around and spotted a dirt bike about a block ahead. She hopped down and slashed the closest walker. After that she ran to the dirt bike and climbed on and fired it up and headed towards the school. [@Aerandir][@Belle][@lpfan][@Aintitfun1997][@demonic angel][@thehangedman][@josephb]