[@Rockette] [hider=From PM] [quote]Sometimes I find them in a Google engine, sometimes I find that I already have them on stock. Daily I comb through the web for resources and such for my graphic works, but most of the ones I'm using for Collide are from Tumblr. Heh. Also, I'm all for continuing in the ooc for the thread, unless you prefer the privacy we have here. Either is fine and well with me. Your post was wonderful, it wasn't long winded at all! I love posts of varying lengths and prose and being a long-winded writer myself, it tickles me pink to see others who have that same penchant. You flatter me though! I don't think I could gather the patience to write a book and jealousy? Hah, that's misplaced, I want the flow of your style. Ugh.[/quote] [/hider] Concerning character sheets, I'm still working mine. When I saw your post, I was so excited to get into the actual post that I put it on the back burner, but I'll get back to working on it today. Did we want to designate a specific format to use for the sheets? You spoke of a preference for appearance, and I believe they'd look good in a uniform template. Just something to think about. I'll post what I have when I get it finished, and if we want to go back and add a template to it. I figure in the next post, I'll have him notice Alexia, and handle the rest of the performance until the first break, during which he'll climb down to try to find her but ending up incapable. Whether he simply can't because she's moving too much in the crowd, or she's gone, we will see. Then I think an introduction of Danny and Cadian's relationship needs to be shown. Currently, Cadian's anxieties are heavily playing on him, so he'll be wanting something of a downer.. I don't think Cadian and Danny will know each other especially well.. it'd be more like Cadian coming up to him, saying that he's heard that Danny's the kind of man who can get things.. Kind of establish them. What would you think of a shout back to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet? The idea is that the second or third scene is a party held at the O'Shea (?) estate.. an old fashion costume ball, where no faces are shown (to promote a sense of freedom). Perhaps our two could meet there first. Doesn't have to have the same star crossed lover's theme.. but just the idea of finding her, but not knowing that he's found her... Might be more effective if it's the third scene. Give another to play up the difficulty in connecting the pair. What do you think? Wouldn't be so nice a party as the one in the play. This is the Badland's after all. The masks are there to promote inhibition, to be free of ridicule and punishment for your sins.