[sub]in collaboration with [@Shagranoz][/sub]

[h1][center][i][u]"Tainting a Saint"[/u][/i][/center][/h1]

Lorelai rested her back against the black satin of the upholstered carriage bench,  more of a lavish couch in truth.  The past couple of days had been hard on her,  harder still than losing her family.  Vespa had fallen,  and with her Lorelai's heart,  yet she'd found family.  Family was a mixed blessing.

She'd been prepared to give everything she had,  all she was,  to balance the scales of vengeance.  Having something to fight for could fill a person with the will to do things they'd never thought possible.  To Lorelai though it would be the ultimate cruelty to have to spend so much of herself that there wasn't enough left to be loved,  or to love.

Lorelai's eyes followed Lotte as the girl moved about the cabin of her carriage,  a small smile curving her lips.  For Lotte,  and Alyssa,  she'd bring down mountains and count the cost when the rubble settled.  To be a witch at war was a terrible thing,  but she was no stranger to the horror of taking life.

Phagora looked at Lorelai through half-closed eyes. Her mistress had been so much happier when she saw Lotte and Alyssa. It was a change like night and day. For a second, she thought Lorelai would call off her campaign of vengeance rather than subject her sisters to war. But only for a second.

"Lorelai. I've heard an interesting rumor. Apparently, you came into possession of an old holy sword somewhere. Any truth to that?"

Lotte stopped her wanderings as Phagora entered the room. She'd been enjoying herself quite a bit these past few days.  Lorelai was nice and had a ton of different things to look at. "Hello," Lotte chirped at Phagora, before taking a seat next Lorelai. "What do you need a sword for?" 

"Lotte, there's something you need to understand. There's lots of people who don't like me. Who don't like [i]us.[/i] Just because of who we are and what we can do. I wear this sword to warn them to stay away. If they don't, I use it to make them stay away."

Lorelai thought briefly of chastizing Phagora for her words,  but they were true.  It was an unfortunate fact that man feared what he did not understand.  Instead she turned to Phagora.  [color=00aeef]"Yes,  I've come into the possession of a few.  Most notable - and likely the one you're refering to - is Hector's blade,  although it can hardly be called 'holy' any longer.  Why do you ask?"[/color]

"Yeah, I know,"  she said, a small frown crossing her face. "Priests hate us a lot," She then shook her head, banishing the thought, before smiling and resting her head on  Lorelai's shoulder. "But I know that you and mom and everyone else will help keep us safe," 

"Indeed we will." Phagora turned back to Lorelai. "Excellent. I needed someone who had experience with desecration rituals." She brought out her magic finger, being careful to shield it from Lotte's innocent eyes. "This once belonged to St. Gertrude. It's got powerful healing magic, but the holiness... well, it doesn't agree with me. I need you to strip the protection, while keeping the healing magic intact. Can you do that?"

[color=00aeef]"Hmm... Let me see."[/color]  Lorelai took the relic gingerly from Phagora.  Turning it over in her hand the mere touch caused her skin to prickle angrily against the consecration of the hollowed article.  [color=00aeef]"Spontaneous reflection of divinity,  that always makes the desecration more delicate.  Better usually to trick the relic into doing something abhorent to its design.  I actually might have just the thing."[/color]

[color=00aeef]"You said it had healing magic?  Did you discover how to awaken its properties?"[/color]  Lorelai asked,  removing some of her divination tools from amongst her luggage.

"Yes. The Ruvina's were kind enough to leave some documentation behind them. It reacts to pure thoughts. Love, kindness, yadda yadda yadda." Phagora rolled her eyes and the mere thought of emotions like that. Sure, even though she was a demon she could experience them, but they weren't exactly a big part of her personality. She took a deeper look through the papers. She hadn't had time to do so before, with all the wild events in Castle Ruvina. As she reached one particular passage, her eyes went wide. 

[color=00aeef]"How thoughtful."[/color]  Lorelai let out a wry laugh.  [color=00aeef]"Love and kindness are pure?  That's the funniest thing I've heard it quite some time."[/color]  She finished laying out her tools.  A bowl cut from ruby,  her ritual dagger,  various candles,  and small jars containing inscense.  She turned back to Phagora just in time to see a look of surprise cross the woman's face.  [color=00aeef]"What is it?"[/color]

"Apparently, the rest of the corpse is located in the fortress of Valleta, on the island of Malta." Phagora's face fell as she slumped back in her chair. "Headquarters of the Knights Hospitaller." A sigh escaped the blonde witch's lips. "I guess that's one artifact we won't be getting our hands on anytime soon."

[color=00aeef]"I don't see why not."[/color]  Lorelai smirked.  [color=00aeef]"There's a reason men fear the sea.  Malta's one island surrounded by the cyclopean embrace of the deep dark,  things lurk there in the abyssal depths.  Dagon,  Lord of the Depths,  would be all too happy to assist any bid we made on the relic."[/color]

Phagora was shocked. Yes, Lorelai and her summons were powerful, but this was taking arrogance to a level akin to Satan himself. "You do realize that the last time the Hospitallers were attacked in their home, they threw back [i] forty thousand[/i] Turks? Do you really think that even Dagon, with all his might, could do what an entire army could not?"  She shook her head. "Lorelai, wherever you go, I shall follow. But I beg you, do not throw your life away on a suicidal mission."

[color=00aeef]"We're not looking to defeat the Hosptitallers Phagora."[/color]  Lorelai's smirk remained.  [color=00aeef]"Dagon and his kin will provide a mighty distraction you see,  and the Turks hardly had the advantage of mobility that the amphibious demons will be afforded.  From there we simply have to aquire the relic and make good an escape.  A daring deed to be sure,  but certianly not beyond our grasp."[/color]

"True, but it will still be difficult. We can't afford to dally about on territory like that. Perhaps a seeking spell, one that will make the finger search out the rest of the body." Phagora chuckled as a soft snore escaped from the sleeping Lotte. "Do you know any such spells?"

[color=00aeef]"I know one that hunts bloodlines,  I think it could be adapted easily enough."[/color]  Lorelai stroked Lotte's hair,  smiling softly.  [color=00aeef]"The question is,  do we have any idea what the rest of the corpse would do?  It's alot of investment without knowledge of the prize."[/color]

"The Ruvinas never finished their investigations, but it seems that the whole body amplifies the healing effect significantly. There's a little spot in here, pure speculation on their part, but I think this would be of particular interest to you." Phagora smiled. "The Ruvinas thought that the entire body might, might even be capable of performing resurrections, given an intact corpse." Let that fire Lorelai's imagination, she thought.

[color=00aeef]"I... I find that dubious."[/color]  Lorelai hesitated as her heart thudded against her chest.  She dared not hope for something like this,  but could she stop herself?  Time would tell.  [color=00aeef]"If that's any indication of its might though it would seem we'd be remiss not to snatch it up with war darkening our doorstep."[/color]

"Most definitely. A power like that could turn the tide of any battle."