Pablo began to walk back to the class, still grinning. That said, though, he had his thoughts on other matters now, or rather, another kid. And by that, his thoughts had now shifted to romancing Reinhard. Yes, yes, Reinhard wasn't that pretty, and may even be too thin to fit Pablo's [i]exact[/i] tastes. But, still, the boy was intelligent and he seemed to be decent. So, Pablo returned back to the class first, or at least, he thought he was first, so focused upon Reinhard that he barely noticed the commotion with Yuri. Going back to his chair, Pablo sat down for a few moments, then took out a seed, a [i]rose[/i] seed. Focusing on said seed, and conjuring up his Noble Arm (he made sure that it was hidden underneath his classroom chair's attached mini-table), he then grew a rose vine, without thorns, in the direction of Reinhard's chair, which, when it reached the other boy's position, crept up and poked him in the hand, before growing a single large red rose. Said red rose was positioned just underneath the seat of Reinhard's chair, so people won't be able to see it much. [@TheHangedMan].