[@shinigami94] Basically, generally 1 on 1 fights if they occur will be encouraged to be done through collars so that the flow is easier and people don't fill up the IC with one paragraph actions and responses though if collabs can't be done than single posts can work. In terms of who is going to win well generally the combatants should decide that before hand so that they both have a clear goal in mind that they can both work towards without any confusion in there writing to keep up clarity. Againstt NPCs the writers will have completed control but they just have to be responsible about it if you character has just learned how to use a sword they shouldn't be taking down five trained soldiers in the span of four minutes. [b]Update:[/b] OOC is about 75% done at this point just need to finish up the character sheet template, finish my own CSs for NPCs and the like and make some final edits. All in all it should be done sometime today or tomorrow at the latest. Thank you for your patience.