[center][i][color=f26522][h1]FELIX STANDFIELD[/h1][/color][/i][b]Location: School Building[/b][/center] Felix looked up from the second floor. He had just left his room, attracted by the sound of a sudden commotion coming from outside. That was a lot of people, some of whom he vaguely recognized as fellow survivors, though they had left The School for the Rec Center before he had a chance to be acquainted with any of them. Now that they were back, it seemed that the whole camp was lively again. Oh, and they brought back cars. Working, functional, cars. This automatically meant that he was friends with them until further notice. The cars aside, there also people he [i]didn't[/i] recognize. So they were new guys, probably strays they had picked up from their time away. Felix narrowed his eyes at them. On closer inspection, the entire group looked harried and distraught. That meant one of two things; they were either attacked on their way back, or the Rec Center had fallen. He was willing to bet it was the latter, from the way they acted. Being hit while travelling tended to produce a different variant of "haunted-look" than an entire colony falling. More specifically, whenever survivor colonies fell, the remaining population always echoed the looks of those that had survived the beginning of this Apocalypse - desperate, gaunt, jittery, and lost. That was always there, that lost look. Retrospection asides, Felix climbed down the second floor and headed around back to meet with the new arrivals. They would probably be neighbor's now, so why not take the initiative and introduce himself, right? [color=f26522]"Well, these are a bunch of new faces~"[/color] he said easily, pacing towards them with light steps, [color=f26522]"I'm Felix Standfield, and welcome, or welcome [i]back[/i], to the School, because we haven't come up with a better name yet."[/color] With a sharp grin he extended his hand to the person nearest to him, which happened to be the chick with the sword. He liked girls, and he liked swords, so he considered this a bonus. It would be an even bigger one if she knew how to handle it, something he fully intended to test some time. [color=f26522]"Nice to meet ya. Hope you enjoy your time here."[/color] [@Aerandir][@Belle][@lpfan][@Aintitfun1997][@Demonic Angel][@josephb]