[center][h1] [color=ec008c]Nikki Hyatt[/color] [/h1][/center] [color=ec008c]"Why thank you. It's nice to meet you too Felix. I'm Nikki Hyatt"[/color] Nikki said as a young man thrust his hand at her to shake. She shook his hand and introduced Ethan. [color=ec008c]"This is Ethan Blackledge. He is the leader of our group. He handles all of the craziness, the food and gives the orders and a few of the others and I handle the walkers, for the most part."[/color] Nikki watched as Ethan nodded to Felix and was off in a hurry to find out who was in charge. [color=ec008c]"Now Felix, I need to know all about the defense of this place. Who else knows how to fight and what weapons people have here so we aren't caught unaware like they were at the rec center. What weapons are you proficient at?" [/color]Nikki looked up and caught Chris looking at her and she ignored him. [color=ec008c]"Come on Felix show me what this place has. That horde is coming this way. We need to make sure that this place will hold up."[/color] [@lpfan][@Demonic Angel][@Aerandir][@Aintitfun1997][@Belle]