I agree with your statement about letting the character develop and grow in play, and I will never deem to correct a posted action of depiction of your character vs it's character sheet. I view character sheets as a rough draft of what the character was originally intended to be, NOT what the character is. There's always so much growth that happens when the character's form solidifies in the mind and takes on it's own life. Music assists me as well. I find it influences the muse greatly. I've been known to list songs on posts, usually before or after the post as something of an aside, if I believe a particular song would help mood or interpretation of my work. I'll adopt the same idea here as well. Aside from that, If you're game, it may be beneficial ( not to mention interesting) to share song titles and authors to create something of a soundtrack to the Badlands. Not only would it help to assess mood and theme of the scene, but I think you can learn a lot about someone by what they listen to, and I have hopes that this play lingers a bit more than most. I enjoyed the ideas expressed in your character sheet very much. The connection between Danny and Alexia, especially in a world like this, would be a precious thing indeed. Helps to define, at least in my mind, how they must value one another. I studied creative writing a little in the University, so I'm sorry if I'm analyzing too much. Old habits. =)