Instead of making a new character, I just changed the magic of the Old Man, if that's okay. [color=ed1c24]OLD MAN JOHNSON VERSION 2[/color] [hider] [b]Name:[/b] [color=ed1c24]Old Man Johnson, the Planeswalker[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 567 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Planar Dwarf (Dwarf with very elongated life spans, lasting to even being immortal.) [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=] Click Me![/url] He also wears a fluffy red bathrobe and black shutter shades. [b]Magic:[/b] [color=8dc73f]Ritualistic[/color] - Ritualistic Magic is a type of magic that's very beneficial, but also very difficult to master. The user sets up an etching into the ground, allowing for a ritual to be done. The variation of the ritual depends on what kind of etching is in the ground, and can range from defenses that can keep the caster in amazing health even when hit with a very powerful object, to summoning several demon swords to fight an opponent with. [color=0054a6]Defensive[/color] [hider] - Ebonyhide = Caster has vastly improved defense for the duration of the fight. - Warp Shield = The caster equips a spectral shield. Projectiles are reflected off the shield and back towards the aggressor. - Flowing Waters = Caster is healed by a very large amount. [/hider] [color=92278f]Summoning[/color] [hider] - Demon Swords = 3 spectral swords are summoned and aid the caster in aggression. - Magnet Storm = A plasmatic ball is summoned heading towards a specific direction, and electrocutes anything hostile in a small radius. - Phase Clone = A clone of the caster appears and will fight physically until it is taken down in combat. [/hider] [color=f26522]Direct[/color] [hider] - Thunderstorm = Several jolts of lightning home on the opponent. - Fireball = Several explosive balls of flames can be thrown at will by the caster. - Icicle Pike = A large spear of ice may be hurled at the aggressor. [/hider] [b]Techniques:[/b] Old Man Johnson has several techniques, but one sticks out in particular. - Old Man Johnson has mastered the realms and planes of this known universe, and can use them to an advantage in a fight. Even to the point where he can dodge attacks by simply moving to the left 2 feet, however he would need almost 99% of his attention to dodge it. He nicknamed this technique "Flying Squirrel Jutsu", and has taught this to about 20 other people, including his interplanar dog [i]Sunshine.[/i] [b]Skills:[/b] Summoning, Enchanting, Fireballs, Unarmed Combat, Levitation, and Healing / Repairing. [b]Equipment:[/b] The Robe of Destiny (need some form of armor). 2 spiked gauntlets (for unarmed combat). Re'svex, the Sentient Sword (a sword that gives good advice and is generally a bro). [b]Personality:[/b] Old Man Johnson is a military strategist, and a schizophrenic elder. He acts serious a lot of the time, but is a very kind person and more often than not will talk your ears off telling stories of the many different planes he visited. He's a bit insane, but honestly with his past it would be expected. [b]History:[/b] What a tale he has lived. Baront Johnson was born over 1000 years ago, to a poor family that was shamed by everyone in his community. He loathed them all and got into a lot of fights because of this. At the age of 14 he had received mental trauma so severe that he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, which later shaped him into the man he was destined to be. After attending a mage's college a far ways away, he learned of the many planes, and was amazed by it. As he went around the lands, trying to figure out how these things worked, he joined many adventurers on quests, even one time witnessing a lich being born. On one of these quests, a paladin hit him hard with a hammer, and oddly enough, Johnson woke up at a place he called "New Earth", which was basically the same as Earth, but everything was different colored. He started to experiment with New Earth, and he found out it was a plane. For the next 100 years of his life, he explored the many planes of existence, eventually mastering how to travel between them, and make his own. When he came back to the world which he came from, he saw everything was different. 786 years had passed on that realm, and Johnson was reaching his elderly years. They say that traversing the planes had caused Johnson to become immortal, however he has not confirmed this. Johnson, however, does confirm he realized who he really was about 67.5 years into exploring, and thats when the Robe of Destiny, and his sword [i]Re'svex[/i], were granted to him. He thereby called himself Old Man Johnson the Planeswalker, and has dedicated himself to the exploration of these realms for the rest of his days. [b]Other:[/b] Old Man Johnson is not a bulky person, and in terms of physical defense is very weak. He has flashbacks, triggered by certain events, which cause him great deals of trauma. [/hider]