This is a weird question for me. Characters, to me, are a spur-of-the-moment thing that happens when I see a story, and think 'Hm, this and this could work.' That thought process then leads to an appearance or personality, and before I know it I've signed up or written something. They're almost always radically different from the last, too. The last five I remember (seriously) playing have been:

[*]An energetic and hotblooded humanoid wolf-like male, which felt disgusted with what he had to do and pondered over things constantly. 
[*]A nearly robotic girl which had health issues, whilst also being bad at social interaction.
[*]A girl who seems high-spirited on the surface, but has some majorly depressing feelings locked away that she tries her hardest to hide from others.
[*]A guy who got turned into a girl (Crossover RP.) which was confused, angry and on the brink of tears constantly who was tired of having to constantly fight for his/her life.
[*]A lazy student that liked to put as little effort as possible into everything, yet somehow managed to perform better than half of the cast. He was also incredibly gimmicky in what he did and was frowned upon by most as weak.
Judging by that list, I can't really take any one trait and share them among each other. The first's hotbloodedness wasn't the same as the third's cheeryness, which was the closest thing I could think of between them. I sometimes re-use designs from dropped or failed characters, but when I do that the end result always has a personality that doesn't share anything with the previous.

It's still interesting to see what others' reoccurring traits are, which makes this thread a fun read. For me, however, there doesn't seem to be anything of the sort.

[sub][s]i'm the ultimate gamble boiiiizzzz[/s][/sub]