A wonderful post. I've read it three times now, and I keep finding that I'm sad it doesn't continue. Its always the sign of a good post when it doesn't seem to be long enough because you're disappointed it had to come to an end. I don't I'll be able to fend off posting much more than tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. I'm so eager to do it I'm getting antsy now, knowing that I have to wait, but I've got homework to do today. I'm kinda of a life long student. I enjoy learning far to much to ever want to stop. I've got some homework to get done tonight. But tomorrow! Tomorrow will be a glorious day. I'm going to sit down, surround myself with Cadian's muse, turn out the lights, and write. Do you watch anything currently broadcasting from the networks? I have a guilty obsession with a few shows these days. Gotham, and Game of Thrones are my biggest crushes, and a little bit of a thing for Once upon a time (though that one's just because I like the simplicity of it.. though the storyline gets quite complicated). Any world with a depressed or dark theme has to have some Evanescence in it's soul. The soft, floating sound of Amy Lee's voice is chilling sometimes. Add it to the haunting quality of the piano, and My Immortal is a definite must. When I listen, I see signs and flashbacks of Cadian's friendship with Katja, and the inherent pain in the song is Cadian's. Tomorrow Ash. I can't wait till tomorrow!