[quote=@boomlover] So emmm... When will be launch day ? [/quote] [quote=@Hexaflexagon] [b]Update:[/b] All in all it should be done sometime today or [b]tomorrow [/b]at the latest. [/quote] That was yesterday so today! Just later when I have a free moment! [quote=@Keksalot] I've a question about just how technically advanced the world of this game is - is trans- and posthumanity already a thing? Has natural death been already vanquished in the more civilized and advanced places of the galaxy? Also, are wars and assassinations an acceptable way of furthering one's goals in the civilized space or are such things considered blunt and tactless by the scheming, cunning nobility of the world? [/quote] Good question! Well in terms of trans and post humanity cyborgs are a thing, but robots are rather stupid as Church Doctrine kind of frowns upon people bestowing intelligent and feelings to shells of metal and anyone caught fooling around with such dark and vile acts have to answer to the Inquisitors which is something that you don't want to happen as they are not a real happy bunch. Though genetically modifying fetuses is okay to make them all all around better humans (though a pleasure that is only reserved for the upper class of course). Natural death has not been eliminated by this point at a time during the early years of the Second Republic it was but in the wars that followed the technology was lost and such lost tech is seen as vile works by the Church. Not that it would be help since most people get stabbed or shot long before they can die of natural causes. Which sort of leads into your final question warfare and assassination isn't frowned upon as despite all our fancy spaceships we can't get away from the fact that we are just angry apes that 'think good'. In fact its more or less seen as a natural part of life as a way for the strong to deal with the weak and minor House Wars were not an uncommon site during the Vermallo Dynasaty but nothing truly as big as the one that is starting up now.