I could have made it longer, and longer, until the next day or so in the story line! But I wanted to cut it off on a dreadful note for Alexia, her hopeless despair and her sense of helplessness when she's under such influence. From Cadian's voice and music, to Danny's drugs. My inspiration for this story is so abundant I'm sure I could write pages and pages of just Alexia's mindset, emotions, and The Badlands entirely. It's not often I find this source of motivation. So you're a university student still? What're you studying? How long have you been in school? I don't often watch television honestly. But, the few series I've been obsessed with have been Outlander, and of course The Walking Dead, because zombies and I've read the comics. I've read the first two books concerning the A Song of Ice and Fire series with Game of Thrones, but I have never watched any of them. Funny enough, because it's right up there in my themes. Skins is another series I love, that I'm actually re-watching on Netflix, Skins fits the overall theme of The Badlands to a Tee. Aah, Amy Lee. One of my female crushes, I used to listen to her ritually back in High School. Of course My Immortal is hauntingly fitting and chilling to the core, guh, now you're going to make me have a fit of nostalgia and listen back to her older music. Here I go, down the lane of memory! I can't wait for tomorrow either, I'm antsy and eager to read more of Cadian!