[b]Name[/b]: Graucus [b]Age[/b]: It's really hard to tell. Somewhere between 300 and 5000 years... [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Human. Well, he [i]was[/i] one. [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=As illustrated by myself] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Gib4xqv.png[/img] [/hider] Graucus was born with pale skin, green eyes and strong facial features. Most of those traits have faded over time, and all that's left is a skeletal body covered with rotting flesh and grayish skin. He still has some white and long strands of hair left on the back of his head. [b]Magic[/b]: Necromancy: This type of magic allows Graucus to pull any dead creature back into the world of the living and turn it into a mindless servant (or a soldier). It also gives him the ability to see and interact with spririts, demons and the like. Life preservation: This type of magic has allowed Graucus to unnaturally extend his lifespan over and over again, to the point when he no longer looks human. It also removes some mortal necessities such as having to eat, drink or sleep to survive and strengthens his senses. Now, this doesn't mean he can't be killed, and as a matter of fact his skeletal body is really fragile and vulnerable to physical damage. [b]Techniques[/b]: Graucus has undead minions around him nearly all the time, and he rarely has to do any kind of physical work thanks them. He can either telepathically control them like puppets or allow them to have a low level consciousness, though even then they'll be unable to resist his orders or try to hurt him. He doesn't have a direct way of fighting, and prefers to have someone else do it for him. [b]Skills[/b]: Graucus is very good at sneaking and stalking, especially when it's dark. [b]Equipment[/b]: A wooden staff, a black robe, a knife and an ancient tome on dark arts. [b]Personality[/b]: Practising dark magic for centuries has corrupted Graucus's mind and all he wants is more power and knowledge. He has little care for people, and sees them as nothing but tools and weapons. If the lich has a sense of humour, it's a very dark and twisted one. [b]History[/b]: Graucus was born to a noble family in a land far, far away. He carried another name back then, one that has been long forgotten. All he can remember from those times is the fear of death and the unknown, and the will to control that fear. Perhaps he lost someone close to him? He can also remember finding a dusty tome about black magic and opening it for the first time, raising a bunch of corpses in his family's crypt and accidentally destroying the entire village, including his family's estate, with them - That was before he could fully master his skills and control what he had summoned. He also remembers spending the next few decades running from the angry survivors and their families, further studying dark arts and growing in strength. At some point here he started to pass on his knowledge to a few young and aspiring mages, but got tired of them and abandoned them in some dark cave. Again decades, possibly even centuries passed and the man managed to stay alive through his magic, slowly degrading into a lich. He moved back into the ruins of his old village and turned it into his ghostly lair. This is where he's been living to this day, perfecting his skills in necromancy and planning world domination - Needless to say, most travellers and wannabe heroes who have gone too close have met with an unfortunate fate. [b]Other[/b]: Uneducated people easily mistake Graucus for some kind of ghost or demon, and his existence has sprung up a lot of folklore and stories in the area around him. His name means gray in an ancient and dead language favoured by many sorcerers and priests.