[quote=@shagranoz] Hey, when we starting the IC? [/quote] Either tomorrow or Sunday [quote=@Dead Cruiser] [hider=Crowned-By-Fire][b]Name:[/b] Crowned-By-Fire [b]Age:[/b] 150 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Weredragon [b]Appearance:[/b] As a werebeast (also known as beastfolk, or Fera in their own tongue), Crowned-By-Fire is shapeshifter. His human form is that of a exceptionally large, muscular [url=http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/bikematome-haste/imgs/c/c/cc9957fa.png]man[/url]. Bronze of skin, with yellow eyes and numerous battle scars. His thick, brown hair is tied into over twenty braids, each bound with the leather and bones of a fallen enemy, and various other, similar adornments are worn over the simple furs and hides he wears as clothing. Various reptilian features, such as his forked tongue and fanged teeth betray his inhuman nature. His [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/98/5d/e1/985de14b5709fed1b39ec8d9eaa1934a.jpg]draconic form[/url] is a terrible monster with scales like volcanic glass and a maw of hellfire. Jagged claws and vicious fangs make him a wicked, tyrannical beast, and his powerful wings allow no creature to rule above him. As his whims or necessity dictate, Crowned-By-Fire can [url=http://enliighten.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Form_of_the_Dragon_web.jpg]partially shift[/url] from dragon to human to gain access to such advantages as his wings or claws without assuming his true and terrible form. [b]Magic:[/b] Wild Shamanism [b]Techniques:[/b] [u]Elemental Control:[/u] Crowned-By-Fire commands control over the chaotic and mercurial forces of the elements, with particular mastery over fire. He can shape and wield as weapons the natural forces that surround him, and can learn much from the elemental balance of a place or person. Fire is the element to which he is most naturally attuned, and such is his domain over it that flame cannot harm him. [u]Master of the Wilds:[/u] The Dragon King is master of the living forces of nature as well. Foliage grows and moves at his command, and he can easily commune with and assume control over most any beast. As well, he can imbue nature with particular elemental alignments, making even common animals into powerful magical entities. [u]Spiritspeaker:[/u] Crowned-By-Fire could not call himself a true shaman if he could not commune with the natural spirits of the world. He can perceive any spirits that wander outside their realm, speak with them, and even command or bind spirits weaker than himself. As well, he has a general sense of the spirit world, and with great effort and good conditions can open portals into it. [b]Skills:[/b] Crowned-By-Fire is a vicious close-quarters combatant, often easily able to overpower his enemies without having to resort to the use of his magic or transforming into a dragon. He is also an expert survivalist, able to thrive in nearly any environment, regardless of its harsh conditions or dangerous flora or fauna. While he is far from the ideal of a learned naturalist, he has considerable practical knowledge about nature, plants and animals, and the nature of spirits and their dimension. [b]Equipment:[/b] As a master of the natural world, Crowned-By-Fire often has little need for tools. He does carry a massive axe, carved from dragonbone, which he wields in battle and uses as a focus for his shamanic power. Apart from that, he merely wears various hides and furs over his body, and carries a variety of shamanic fetishes and charms. [b]Personality:[/b] Crowned-By-Fire knows what he is and makes no effort to hide it. While to many he would appear to be a hyper-aggressive, swaggering locus of arrogance and rage, no special effort is made on his part to present this. Deception is a construct of civilization, one that Crowned-By-Fire finds too distasteful to use. While he feels this way about many aspects of the civilized world, he is not naive enough to not understand or detect them. A firm believer in the ideals of "kill or be killed; eat or be eaten," Crowned-By-Fire has only contempt for the weak and those that would stoop to protect them. Appropriately, he has great respect for that which he deems strong and worthy, foremost being the concept of nature itself. A creature without pity or mercy, the only rules the Dragon King follows are his own and the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3472Q6kvg0]laws of the wild[/url]. [b]History:[/b] In the savage, volcanic jungles of Zarkoum, the clan of Weredragons lives in secrecy in tune with their unforgiving environment. Normally unassuming creatures whose beast forms resemble large mundane reptiles, any who hatch when the moon eclipses the sun are Dragon Kings among their kind, which can take the form of the true rulers of the wild. Crowned-By-Fire was such a hatchling, and his coming was a subject of great celebration among his tribe. Strong of will and body from an early age, he was a survivor and warrior of esteem among his clan before he had completed the trials of First Change. For werebeasts, every First Change is different, and each usually is given visions of what they believe to be the destiny provided for them by their patron spirit, Gaia. In his First Change, Crowned-By-Fire saw great visions of the world being reborn anew in fire and blood. He interpreted this to mean that he would cleanse the world of the corruption of civilization, and began to plan his conquest. Recognizing the power and potential of his peoples' magic, he dedicated himself to learning it, mastering it and improving on it. After decades of study and practice, he became one of the greatest shamans among the Fera. Still, he knew that knowledge of a single form of magic would be insufficient to accomplish his destiny. As the ultimate power in this world, magic could still impede his conquest. He would have to study its other forms up close. To accomplish this, he has traveled to Rothar to investigate the magic of the civilized peoples personally. [/hider] [/quote] Accepted