The instructor frowned at Yuri. Well, this kid was seriously ballsy, or plainly had mental deficiencies. Really? What part of that was "defusing the situation"? Nobody in the area believed a word of it, and it showed. The female teacher got up and pointed at him, a scowl on her face. "If you could [i]please[/i] take him to the DO and hopefully away from us for the rest of the class . . ." With a nod, the instructor approached Yuri, placing an arm on his shoulder. "You're going to have to come with me for awhile kid, at least until we sort this out." With a "humpf", the female instructor asked a couple of students to bring the unconscious boy to the clinic, among those students was the girl he was originally going to fight, who now looked considerably less worked-up about it. In fact, most of her anger seemed to be focused on glaring at Yuri, as did most of the students in the area. While the instructor was escorting Yuri away, the teacher ushered everyone inside. Standing at the front, the teacher wrote her name on the board, "Ellora Minnie", and waited for the class to settle down before speaking. "Now, we don't have much time for introductions, seeing as I'm late, and believe me, there is an explanation for that, but I'm your homeroom teacher for the foreseeable future, Ellora Minnie, however, you may call me "Miss Lora" or "Miss M.", understood?" "In any case, I apologies for my tardiness, however there was an [i]incident[/i] at Guerrero Street, and there was a lot of traffic. Related to that incident, I have an announcement to make: Afternoon classes for the day are cancelled, so you will all be dismissed at exactly 1:00." The class only needed to hear the word "cancelled" before reacting in typical student fashion, namely jumping into the air and cheering excitedly. Miss M. let it slide this time, but by the look on her face, it was evident enough that she clearly disliked this sort of behavior. Deciding to put an end to their festivities, Miss M. made a second announcement, "However, you still have your morning classes to go through, so don't celebrate just yet." Seeing as she was late, as well as several other incidents, the teacher didn't really have that much time left over. In any case, she wrote down the subjects that were to come next, in order: Maths English Small Unit Tactics* [hr] In the meantime, the instructor turned to Takumi, scratching his chin in thought. "Well, you'd need permission from your guardians as well as a bit of cash, but there [i]is[/i] a Noble Arms Workshop just a commute away. It's a lot less expensive than the ones here, but they don't have VR tech and they don't have a stadium, so the use of larger Noble Arms are out, but it would do for a little more experience, if that's what you're after," he explained. Another thought came to him, "also, students won't be the only people there. So in terms of learning experience, it's a bit unstable, but it's certainly different." [@KindledBeast]-[@Letter Bee]-[@Eklispe]-[@Altasaire]-[@M127]-[@Keksalot]-[@Progenitus]