King, happy that thanks to his mindfuckering comrades the storm has settled before even starting, quickly sprung up behind and between them, his hands resting on their shoulders and his mouth, as usually, spewing forth an endless stream of apologies, thanks and promises of flawless conduct in the future as he slowly ushered Takumi and Gloria towards the exit: [color=fff200]"Yes sir, thank you for the valuable information sir, we are very happy that you will not go very hard on us sir, we can guarantee that nothing of the sort will happen with us in the future and we will make you proud of our flawless behavior and mastery over the academy's many important disciplines!"[/color] He glanced quickly at both his companions. [color=fff200]"Come on, guys, we still have what... three classes to go and a new workshop to hit afterwards, let's not take up anymore of teacher's time!"[/color]