Trying to get back into posting regularly- hope it meets the expectations! --- [hider=Adah][centre][img][/img][/centre] [b]Appearance:[/b] Ada is a figured woman, with a skinny hourglass shaped standing at around 5' 9', to emphasize her lithe form she wears primarily black and darker colors. [b]Name:[/b] Adah Evelyn Cinet [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Profession:[/b] Drug dealer [b]Skills[/b]: General people skills, improvisation, free running, looting, knowledge in the areas of local horticulture, religion, and recreational drugs [b]Disability/Fears:[/b] She has participated in any number of vices, she has become attached to some more than others-- she may simply have a taste for some drugs, while she might be borderline addicted to others-- she's certainly developed a reliance on marijuana, caffeine and tobacco. [b]Weapon(s) of Choice:[/b] A rapier wit. Adah relies less on an established weapon of choice and more on "desenrascanço"-- improvisation in the moment. When under threat of zombies this could be something like finding a weapon, exploiting the environment around her, or finding a quick route of escape, while dealing with people, this skill could become more charisma based. -- Of course, when this doesn't suffice, she's a bit of an eagle from a distance with her hunting rifle. [b]Personality:[/b] Adah is sensitive and strong. She has empathy and believes in the good nature of people; preferring to investigate a problem and find as many situational factors and contexts as possible before making her own judgement. She also has wildly radical beliefs and will fight for her own beliefs, as well as those of others. Her mood at any given moment could be influenced by a variety of things-- mostly music, though, and her methods are as erratic as the genres she listens to. Adah believes strongly in using history's mistakes to guide us, as well as staying open, both to people and to all the possibilities of the unknown. Ada gives some credit to Louisianan Voudou. She has potential, and her being aware of this may sometimes lead to her being cocky, or even hindering action, but overall, she's a good, cunning and quick person. [b]Personal History:[/b] Adah, born on Louisiana's coast to a Creole mother and a Cuban father, is the result of what happens when a man leaves a woman, one who can barely take care of herself, with a child. Both of Adah's parents were unprepared for her coming into the world, really-- they themselves raised in tumultuous households-- they couldn't give the baby what she properly needed to grow, they were still children themselves. Adah's father left her and her mother when she was barely 4, left as a bastard for her mother, the woman turned to drugs, relying on family to help raise Adah as she herself resigned to a drug fueled existence. Despite this, the two were close, her mother's employment was always temporary and so she and Adah moved around Louisiana, leaving little in the way of making friends at school. To compensate for this, Ada instead grew close to the places she was, learning of the lore, legends and history of locations, taking it to heart as she grew. Adah, now 19, found herself to be a much more open, intelligent, and free thinking individual, all of the characteristics of punk, hippie, counter-culture, beatnik and burnout. More or less, a stereotypical teenager. She would consider herself to be something of a syncretist, both religious and philosophical, with many of her philosophies clashing with the current American system and societal ways and beliefs. She wanted to see modern society burn, but told herself she should try to work within the system to change it. She was generally over her own mother, she still loved her, but she didn't have the time or energy to care for her as she was in and out of jail. Ada had to devote all of her energy to college, she found the American University system trite and needlessly traditionalist. At the age of 22, the anti-capitalist, the anarchist Adah, having isolated herself from her family, flunked out of school, preferring the path of her own making-- a Voodoun Dionysus. She turned to drugs-- not as an escape-- but to enhance reality. She was a burn out, a drop out, by most men's standards a failure-- yet she managed. She partied with her old classmates, and utilized her natural charisma to find her way to larger circles, all while in a haze of party favors and booze. For a time she was homeless, sleeping either with family or friends-- or simply under the open sky. The similarity between her current life and her mother wasn't lost on her. However, as her 20's left her-- she began dealing in the narcotics she had become an expert in consuming, delivering the spirit of the Ghede to college kids similar to her in the form of molly, lsd, and angel dust. Then the apocalypse happened.[/hider]