No spoilers, just saying the Watchmen are supposed to be in the DC multiverse and it looks like they might be officially now. Some things have been done before, others are completely out of left field. Everybody looking for things concerning legacy and the past and future of the DCU will be excited. It seems like an early Christmas for me... Wednesday DC REBIRTH hits the stands, as well as Justice League #50 which will reveal the true identity of the JOKER! I'm pretty pumped and it's been a couple years since I followed monthly comics in print on a regular basis so I'm excited to be this excited again. At the beginning of the New52 I was reading 17 titles, then it got trimmed a time or two till eventually I couldn't afford monthly comics on top of bills. I think I'm picking up at least 4 or 5 titles and trying a few more once more info is released regarding what will come from REBIRTH. ~KL~