Third char, provided little kids are okay. Name: Samantha Quinn, but those in the camp have taken to calling her “Two-Bits” or mostly just “Bits”, since she’s not told anyone her name. Age: 7 Appearance: Bits is a slight child, though she’s no longer dangerously thin, as she was when she arrived. She still has little extra fat, and looks more spindly than anything else. She has long dark brown hair that is usually a bit messy. It covers a portion of her face, and she uses it as a shield between herself and others. Her eyes are a deep blue and often shadowed. She has a sharp chin, and pronounced cheekbones. Her clothing is a bit ragged, with the skirt obviously cut from something longer so she won’t trip on it, fraying at the bottom and gathered in tight at the waist with a bit of rope. Her shirts are a bit big too, bunching up at the shoulders in particular. She has a jacket as well, and when she wears it the folds turn her into more of a puffy blob than a person, with the hem falling halfway down her thigh. Personality: The girl is painfully shy, and has yet to say anything to anyone. She avoids eye contact and doesn’t want to stay around other people for any length of time. She’s very skittish, frightening easily, and frequently spooked into running off. She seems afraid of weapons. She’s uneasy around swords and bows in particular, and it’s even odds she’ll flee if she so much as sees one. She was first spotted skulking around the edge of camp a year and a half ago, and it took a good deal of coaxing before she’d come anywhere near other people. Even now, it’s not entirely clear where she sleeps. She doesn’t stay in any of the known tents, nor at Tomcat’s place. Weapon: none. She has a small knife, but it’s strictly a tool. Other: She can’t stand the sight of blood, turning faintly green at the sight. She’s also very good at hiding, and at wiggling into small places.