Looks like fantasy wins. So, it's going to be high fantasy, definitely along the lines of swords and sorcery like manifest said. We'll go along with the advice the FATE core book says about creating worlds: broad strokes, and only nailing down stuff that's really important to the setting right off the bat. So, some starter questions to get you thinking, and to answer what the setting will generally look like. 1. Are there gods? Are there no gods? Maybe just one god? And if multiple gods, are they different pantheons of gods? 2. What's the scope of the game? Relatively small, where we deal with local threats as we travel around? Big threats, something that threatens civilization? Or maybe somewhere between, where we start small and eventually move up in the world? 3. Branching off from that, is the setting going to be one county? A nation? A continent? A world? Multiple worlds? (Yes, even multiple worlds/dimensions. They'll use fantasy means to get there) 4. What are some of the organizations in this setting, both big and small? (Throw in anything you want here, anything's good while we're brainstorming this) 5. Depending on the scope of the game, what sort of threat/threats should we face? The book suggests one current issue and one impending issue to start off with, so think along those sorts of terms when it comes to the overall scheme of things. 6. Do the organizations, whether they be knightly orders or sprawling civilizations, have their own issues separate from the main game issues? (this one isn't as important to think about, we can always come up with something if we start interacting with said organization) 7. What sort of character would you play? Wizard? Rogue? Fighter? Loremaster? Commoner-turned-badass? Final note here, do not hesitate to add stuff on to your suggestions/thoughts if you get another idea from someone else's post! And debate will definitely start shaping these ideas into a gameworld we can run amok in! :) ----- Here are my own personal thoughts on these questions: 1. Definitely a multitude of gods, with different pantheons. Some gods are current and can help cleric-like players, and some are forgotten or eldritch in nature. And some are actually dead and ripe for resurrection/replacement. 2. I'd like to start small and work our way up to bigger and badder things. 3. I think we should just start with one continent, and stick there for a bit until we're ready to move on. As for kingdoms there, or nations, or whatever, I say there should be 1-3 total, [i]maybe[/i] more if we're ambitious when it comes to creating nations. 4. Gotta start somewhere, right? For a nation name, how about Plegeland? (Tell me it's dumb, I dare you) As for an organization, how about one of organized magic users called the Elsinian? (Based off the god of magic, Elsimore. And if you get that reference, you win a cookie) 5. How about a good ol' fashioned war to be the current issue? Can be there for any number of reasons. And for impending issue, how about a cult that wants to summon demons (or something) to the world and cause havoc? 6. If we're going with a cult that's gonna be causing problems eventually, what if there's a opposite organization dedicated to fighting them? 7. I'd be playing the GM, so... yeah. Although if I weren't, I'd prolly play a prisoner that escaped and has nothing to his name, because why not. Questions? Comments? Leave 'em below folks, and let's get this conversation started.