1.Multiple gods but not impossible to kill. Would love to see us tackle and kill one. 2. Like to start out small and build from there. 3.Just like answer 2. 4.Big: The Wizard's Guild is an organization that recruits various talented individuals from around the world and takes them to another dimension to be trained. This other dimension is the actual home to the guild. After years of training the newly graduated Wizards have to set out and complete a serious of missions and goals for the guild. Some are definitely honorable and some have brought chaos to some nations. Small: Dragons were creatures of mysticism and wonder but their sole purpose was to fight off the forces from another dimension outside our own. However, dragons have been hunted for millenia and only three remain. These three have decided that the world can go to hell and have forfeited their duties to hold back the outside creatures from our world. 5. Impending issue:A dragon is dying and it's territory and hoard is up for grabs shifting the power paradigm. Current issue: A human religious cult is on a crusade bent on eliminating any non-human race. 6. I feel like this was answered already. 7. Probably a dwarf fighter/body guard to a wizard or other PC. Maybe some sort of non-human barbarian that is been hounded in other nations.