I'm working on a second character and I came across a problem, I'm good at making up interesting magics but my naming skills are lackluster. So, and I ask everyone and anyone, what would you call the ability to manipulate the age or more aptly time stream of an object. For example, lets say your mother's priceless vase was knocked over, this character would be able to reverse the effects of time on just this object to repair the vase. Another usage would be to stop projectiles or kind of send them back, maybe even the ability to heal wounds. This character would not be able to send themselves through time or send whole living beings. My best naming attempt so far was 'Oddly specific time magic' which personally I like but is maybe not the best possible name. In any case, I'm open to suggestions and the power is not fully fleshed out because I have yet to delve into the many limitations it has, as most well balanced out time magics do.